Another Fox Host Tears Into Trump For Complaints About Coverage

Devil’s Island is good enough for him and his family.

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It doesn’t matter that Hume, or Baier, or Cavuto say that they don’t work for Trump, when their prime-time KKKoverage (Tucker, Ingraham and Hannity) DO work for Trump… or is it the other way around? I’m not sure.

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As I’ve been saying since 2016 - Sinclair is far more dangerous than Fox.


Somewhat OT: Tonight we indulge in a local pagan ritual and burn the Old Man Gloom called Zozobra. He’s a 50 foot tall puppet in a white robe with orange hair. Good times.


Neil Cavuto is venturing into dangerous territory - wandering into a maze of mirrors …

and …

is at extreme risk of accidentally catching a vivid reflection of his own image


It probably explains why he’s ignorant about current events.

But let’s be honest. Donald is checking out the short skirts. C’mon.

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YOu and about 50,000 other people who crowd into Santa Fe.

On Monday we get Sting and about 30,000 people up here. You know who is never being allowed back here? MeowWolf.

Motherfuckers can stay down there.


It’s my job to report on your balls & strikes Mr. President ? Whoa . . .

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nope - he counts cleavage - and keeps score - anything longer than 2 inches he awards 3 extra points

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Last time I was in Santa Fe someone tried to talk us into going through the MeowWolf “experience”. The more she talked, the less interesting it seemed. Then the big finish: “Get there early so that you don’t have to stand in line for so long!”
Ugh. I may be missing the experience of a lifetime, but somehow, I doubt it.


They did a 3 day and night festival in Taos two weeks ago and it was a nightmare that had the entire town up in arms. They had such a crowd at the City Council meeting this week to bitch that MeowWolf is never invited back, electronic music is banned here now, no more Sunday bullshit - the ladies going to mass could not park at Our Lady of Guadalupe cause the parking was all full with MeowWolf. Everybody was furious - we made no money off of it.

The whole damn valley vibrated for 3 days and nights. It was awful.

I don’t know what we’ll do with all the people expected for Sting. I really don’t.


Hm. I guess the corporate masters have given the minions permission to say certain things regarding this issue. There is no way a bunch of Fox employees would spout off unless this was some sort of coordinated message.

Just love it that they are attempting to sell us on the concept that they weren’t in his back pocket for the last three + years…

You didn’t miss much. Also, lots of no parking to enhance your line standing experience. There are many far better things to do and see.

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The whole damn valley vibrated for 3 days and nights. It was awful.

The Taos hum is back?


More cracks in Trumpf’s ceiling.

Or, he could see them from Russia.

Earlier this week, Fox News analysts reminded Trump on Twitter that he’s not their employer.

Really? And we always thought he was their employer.

This is what you get when the Botox shrinks.


That I could handle. This was George Clinton and his funk band plus a bunch of techno bullshit that doesn’t go down well here anyway. hahahaha They let them take over Kit Carson Park - smack in the middle of town. It was absurd.