Another Fox Host Tears Into Trump For Complaints About Coverage

I saw a documentary on them and thought “That looks exhausting after 2 minutes. But if it makes people happy to pay money to walk through a 1980’s performance art piece - then whatever.”

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I know a certain retired lawyer who could make a little Italy money with a lemonade stand.

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I don’t think edibles are legal in her state yet.

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They aren’t and we’re just a few miles from Colorado. It’s easy enough to run up to Antonito, to Cortez, to Durango and score. I’d rather have my house sitting on the ground solidly and not have to hear a bass for three days and nights nonstop.


Problem is they didn’t spend anything here to speak of. They were camping in the park and not spending money in shops and galleries and restaurants in any amounts. It was just a clusterfuck.

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I believe Herr Hannity, Frau Ingraham, Cucker work for Trump.

The Fox demographic worships everything that Donald Trump is because he appears to be the epitome of rules-be-damned, self-made, ass-kicker. They don’t mind his exaggerations and limited grasp of things factual because that’s his style. But if court proceeding rather than the lying media reveal that he mortgaged his soul to Russians, the scales may fall from their eyes.

“First of all, Mr. President, we don’t work for you. I don’t work for you,” he continued. “My job is to cover you, not fawn over you or rip you, just report on you. Call balls and strikes. My job, Mr. President, our job is to keep score, not settle scores. Now in my case, to report the economic numbers when they’re good and when they’re bad, when the markets are soaring and when they’re tumbling. When trade talks look like they’re coming together and when they look like they’re falling apart. It’s called being fair and balanced, Mr. President.”

Ha! Worst rom-com ever!

Shorter Neil
OOOHHHH look at me I’m all “Fair and Balanced”

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Right now, I’d settle for ‘Man without a Network.’

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Not buying my t-shirt just yet. Fox has done more damage to this country than we can measure.

The Furor of Der Führer


@tena: Suggest the next gig be held in Silver City. Everybody wins!