But it’s funny when Cavuto thinks he’s a real journalist
The internal debate at Fox News is whether Trump is a great president or the greatest president. So exciting to watch the fireworks!
Just kidding.
I see FOX is doing their bi-annual “we really are a news organization” sales pitch.
Yeah, OK - after supporting the first 10,000 lies, a few folks have made a few tepid criticisms of Dear Leader. Count me underwhelmed.
“Papa can you hear me??”
He is striking them at the heart of their fabrication.
Exactly. And looking at the response, this is not a preliminary round, the train wreck is happening…now.
That’s not at all fair.
Buckethead can play.
That’s just frightening.
I was only referring to the size of his head. I should have said bushel basket.
Trump works for Fox, not the other way around. Fox packaged Trump as a champion of the Fox demographic, but now they see him going bananas in a way that hurts their demographic. More is being revealed that Trump may be financially beholden to Putin, which could be impossible to spin as something good for the Fox audience.
I don’t think the Fox audience would give a damn were Trump Putin’s bottom. All the Fox audience cares about is owning and trolling the libs. They’d happily sleep under a bridge, on cardboard with a newspaper blanket, so long as the brown people and liberals had neither the bridge, cardboard or newspapers.
“I think the President watches Fox,” host Neil Cavuto said.
Well Neil, that’s some breaking news to the rest of the world.
"There are no grays, no middle ground, you’re either all in or you’re just out.”
Well, Neil, he must have just pulled out. Now it’s time to change the sheets and bleach out the santorum.
I don’t see how this benefits either of them. Fox might be making a play, seeing their future is very dim as the oldsters die off, to a saner audience. Trump is flinging shit everywhere hoping it will stick. We shall see how this goes, it is entertaining.
Trump does not handle subtlety. Throughout what he calls his “life”, you are with or against.
Even if this were some sort of leventy-leven dimensional checkers (do NOT give chess a bad name dealing with FOX ) by FOX, Trump’s mental illness would make it impossible to make it so.
In addition, the Kult of Trump wasn’t, isn’t and will NEVER be “conservative”. It is a Reactionary, nativist, nuevo-Know-Nothing Cult with a big boost from outside-the-United-States sources.
It is NOT conservative and they are not.
Wow, the woman to the left of trump has a big mouth, must be part reptile. Her bottom mandibles must not be fused.
It’a what happens to one’s eyes when their plastic surgeon pulls too much skin during a face lift.
Meh…I’m leaning towards this is all kabuki theater to lend legitimacy to Faux News propaganda. “Oh, well, they must be telling the truth and certainly they must be fair and balanced if they’re willing to piss off Trump…”
Nope. Not buying it.
If there is one thing I’m sure of, these two girls will be friends again in 2020.
This is only a temporary spat over Brandee letting on in the cafeteria that Janella isn’t a real blonde.
Think about the NRA’s woes and burst into song.