A Quick And Dirty Guide To SCOTUS Malarkey In The Trump Immunity Case

Have you tried Turkey Spam? Was looking for a low(er)-sodium protein to snack on occasionally. Bit hard to find locally here. Not so fond of that variety TBH. But then, didn’t try any creative recipes for it either.

No, not that Joan Rivers; he is thinking of the one from Pocatello.

Backdoor to 6/21 Morning Memo:


Non-existent here but a grand idea. Tucson has very limited Spam choices. Certainly nothing close to what I saw on Maui.
I have an image from that trip but for some reason I do not understand TPM’s fancy new and improved system will not let me share it. It;s discobot’s revenge. I can only type. That’s it. No gif’s, no jpg.
I suppose there are other left leaning sites that entertain commentary that I could join and not get shit on by the system

The big-ass pickup is a hint, but the other markers (every accessory available in the Offroad Truck Store installed on a truck whose only offroad adventures involve parking on the grass occasionally) aren’t there. However, parking that way screams, “I’m a self-entitled a$$hole. Fuck each and every one of you.”


I drive a 28 year old Tacoma pick up. Manual drive and 4-wheel capable. It has been waaay of road multiple times in the Santa Rita mountains east of Tucson. There is a wide path called the Staircase that this truck has driven. It’s not for the faint of heart. This truck has also navigated unnamed places in the Catalina mountains and dry river beds and all sorts of places it did not belong. I trust this truck’s abliity. But it lacks the “BIg Truck” incel attitude. No huge grille full of chrome. Rather… just enough.
I would share an image if TPM would let me.


Anyone know how to get to today’s MM connents?


i sometimes read the comments before i read the post…if the comment is interesting i go back and read the post. i know,its dumb…but i’m old and do things my way…works for me.

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i really have no idea what these clever boys are doing…i’m just along for the ride!

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Yeah. But you, @darrtown are not a self-entitled a$$hole, and I’m not the least bit surprised that your truck has been way off the road.

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AHA! I got in via the so-called back door.

  1. Click on the Topics line under the three-line panel on the left. (Next to THE HIVE).
  2. Do a search for the article title of today’s MM. (I used “Aileen Cannon Refused To Step”)
  3. Click on the article name when it comes up.

Since I’m feeling some sort of sense of social responsibility, I think I’ll post it in yesterday’s MM comments, too.


I wish i could share an image of a roadrunner passing judgement on brand new wiper blades I got a while back
TPM’s new system is still full of bugs.

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The chieftain’s wife and kids must have felt so snubbed.

Yeah, I recall the image.

Geococcyx californianus are pretty much avian jerks. When I lived outside Las Cruces we had neighborhood roadrunners, and finding roadrunner tracks and scratches was a common occurrence.

As to the bugginess of TPM…as I recall, the roadrunner diet is big on arthropods. Maybe we could turn a software roadrunner loose on the code…


Sadly, no. :joy:

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More than arthropods sadly. On a couple occasions I have watched this resident bully catch a sparrow and proceed to beat the shit out of it. Probably to dislodge feathers. Hold that guy down and proceed to eat the poor thing while it’s still alive. The lizards are currently very watchful.


Oh, big on arthropods doesn’t mean exclusive to invertebrates. They are opportunists: small herps, birds, and mammals need to be very wary. They were particularly tough on cottontail kits around Las Cruces in the early spring. We had quite a few rabbit colonies on the outer rim of the campus (lots of available water and browse), and while the mature does and bucks could defend themselves pretty well, the kits couldn’t.

I never did see one take on a great-tail grackle, though. Those suckers are mean.


There is a rabbit family under some mean cholla cactus. Also ground squirrels and AZ Spiny lizards along with whip tail lizards. Mourning dove, white wing dove , sparrows, Abert’s Towee, and a couple more I’ve forgotten. So our property is a haven for critters and except for the poop on my truck I’m happy these critters have a relatively safe place to live

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I used to, as a teenager, go pheasant hunting with my dad. The point was to watch the dogs work and if we missed or did not take a shot it was ok. It was the bonding berween him and me and us with our dogs. The love was unspoken but well known. These days I would not hunt. But the care for critters is still strong. My cat is not a “pet”. He is a self aware feline in his own right. Pet is a very pejorative nasty word to me. Cats and dogs are not objects any more than people are.

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