Joe’s not looking to make a martyr.
Abbott would take the nomination in a heartbeat. Veep is better than Governor, trump is likely to croak and make him President, and even if they lose it sets him up for 2028.
I say this from reasonably extended personal interaction with the man. He is incredibly ambitious and clear-eyed about it.
Or perhaps his accident has rendered him an incel, if you know what I mean?
Find me a case or controversy. For now, this has all the effect of a fart in a windtorm.
Yes, but there is a solid risk from having your defenses of Trump (which would need to be more strenuous as a VP nom) blowing up. He can’t make a late call to dump Trump, if things go real sideways.
I don’t doubt your read of the man from up close as it matches my read from afar.
I’m just agreeing he is ambitious and smart, thus he may also consuder the risk too high.
(There is a solid chance Trump won’t want Abbott, we know he has trouble with ramps)
It occurs to me that if Greg Abbott becomes trump’s VP, I know his likely chief of staff. Which is kind of frightening, because I like Angela Colmenero.
His task would not be to defend trump. It would be to shit on libs. I have no doubt that he’s capable of ignoring absolutely everything about trump himself if it means he could plausibly ascend to higher office.
Which, now that I think about it, probably means Abbott will have to take trump’s popularity as a likely adjudicated felon into account. If trump is an obvious loser after this trial, he will decline the prospect.
ETA: trump probably sees electoral value in having an obsequious cripple on the ticket, just like he sees electoral value in having an obsequious negro or an obsequious hottie on the ticket. [/s]
To fight anyone who is anti-federalism?
Classic, Republicans find a way to make a rich, white republican lawyer the diversity hire
That tracks
Hey Grego! I hear BIDEN wants people in Texas to VOTE! Whatchu gonna do about that?
If you think Abbott has any kind of principles, think again. The only thing he cares about is power. Everything else is just a means to that end.
I agree with your assessment of Abbott.
I do, however, have a difficult time seeing FatAss agreeing to making him an offer — because of his disability. FatAss is extraordinarily careful of his image, and he loathes and ridicules the disabled and other “losers”. Hard to see him agreeing to a veep in a wheel chair. Even though he clearly didn’t like Pence, Pence was, as Trump likes to say, “right out of central casting”.
Until she bragged about offing her puppy, I figured he’d go for Noem because she’s physically attractive and that fits his mental image. Stefanik wants so bad to be his veep but she’s gotten pudgy and dowdy and there’s no way he wants to be associated with a frump.
It would take some incredible fast-talking for FatAss to take on anyone who doesn’t look good (but not too good) next to him.
We all know too well how superficial he is.
However, if the polls start shifting against him, he might listen to advisors (but I doubt it).
trump’s criteria for veep are basically: (1) nobody who overshines him, (2) is completely subservient to him, (3) shores up his Christian Nationalist rubes, (4) somehow demographically peels away stupid libtard votes, and (5) isn’t fucking Corey Lewandowski…
Abbott ticks all the boxes. As does Tim Scott.
Per the Texas SOS, we’ve added about 1.6 million registered voters from March 2020 to March 2024. trump won 2020 by about 631,000 votes.
Not predicting. Just saying.
You’re probably right, although I would see him going with the black dude before the cripple. It would look so much better on FatAss’s mental “superhero” poster…
Of course, if it really looks like Don Snoreleone is in danger of losing this first trial (and/or support weakens ad more dirt comes out), Abbott would definitely bow out, leaving the field open for Scott.
One thing I would love to see is the Texas national guard and its weekend warriors show the American professional army a thing or two by challenging to a combat in arms. In fact, Republican governors in Texas have been threatening this since there have been Republican governors in Texas when a Democrat is in the White House. Remember how the Texas guard was going to stop Obama from taking over Texas in response to a standard U.S. military training exercise.
To Abbott, I have said this before, I do not believe that he was just out jogging and a tree fell on him. Without any physical evidence, I think the tree story is to hide some other reason, like he was drunk and drove into a tree, is the cause of his disability.
The reason I cannot believe his story is you would think that such a random event crippling him would make him a different person the way a childhood illness, polio, afflicting FDR when he was middle aged made him FDR.
As someone once put it, FDR lost the use of his legs and grew taller whereas Abbott lost the use of his legs and shrank. In comparing Abbott with FDR, it is just hard to see how a random yet similar “act of God” would have such different results.
I expect trump would prefer Abbott to Scott, just based on trump being so obviously frightened by a black man.
I’m just hoping that Texans of conscience, speaking to a lot of the ladies out there and most of the men, understand the stakes in this election and vote accordingly. It not 2020 anymore. People like Abbott, if not Abbott himself, will simply continue taking more and more rights away from non-white men. You hear it in the shartstain’s prop about the vibe he thinks he feels “against white people” that he whines “can’t continue” in this country…
Abbot serves a different sort of god.