There is that, of course.
He’d prefer some fawning arm candy, but Noem and Lake have both turned toxic, and Boobert has turned into too much of a floozy for him so I guess he’s out of luck.
There is that, of course.
He’d prefer some fawning arm candy, but Noem and Lake have both turned toxic, and Boobert has turned into too much of a floozy for him so I guess he’s out of luck.
With 16% more registered voters than 2020, I feel . . . well, not optimistic. It’s still Texas. But we’re the third bluest red state in the nation, and sooner or later this shitshow is going to push us over the edge. Put me down as “guardedly hopeful” for 2024, particularly for Colin Allred. By 2028, there is a real chance that folks around here are going to love our 40 electoral votes.
I can assure you that is exactly what happened to him.
Even worse.
In other words you failed by the standard measure to which every other student was held, but you went crying to a daddy figure, who probably because of his own agenda, short circuited the process.
I’m reminded of an incident when I was head Teaching Assistant (TA) for an introductory biology course with ca. 800 students. The questions were pretty much all short answer format, where students would answer in one to a few sentences. To ensure all tests were graded fairly, each of the ca. 32 TAs graded the same questions for all student exams.
One student brought his in for re-grading, of his exam that was answered in pencil, and did spectacularly well on each and every question, ultimately going from clearly failing to one of the highest in the class. Given the extremely low probability of every separate grader blowing it on the same exam, we photocopied his original of the next exam, and, lo and behold, the same thing happened. This time when the student returned his exam for regrading we compared the returned answers with the original exam, and they did not match.
The student was failed, and ran to the Dean to complain. We were told by the Dean that we had to use the higher grades because we treated him unfairly by not photocopying those of all students.
I suspect something similar in your case, even though it just got you a C.
As for your lame invocation of the right’s insult meme, here’s clip of a proponent of woke who was asked to define the word.
Stop (and rescind) all Federal funding for education, transportation (including air travel and trains that stop there) and health.
Transfer all military personnel and furlough all facilities. Suspend all federal contract spending.
Woke is the thought process that developed in the faculty lounges of liberal colleges that promotes victimhood. It’s the idea that if you’re straight, white, and fairly successful, you are an oppressor
MAGA is the thought process that developed in the lounges of conservative stink-tanks that promotes victimhood. It’s the idea that if you’re straight, white, and fairly successful, you are a VICTIM and you are AGGRIEVED!
When lifts and slopes collide.
But he’s a [slur redacted]! No way will trump pick someone so obviously deficient. Your other points are valid, but trump’s VP pick is not a matter of rational calculation.
Its one hundred and ten percent emotional - the VP has to be simultaneously someone he’d like to be (male, tall, nice hair, looks good in a suit) and someone who poses no threat to his ego. He needs a man the media will treat with respect, but who will let trump shit all over him. Pence was perfect, right up until the end when he took advice from Dan Quayle instead of the god-emperor.
He put Ben Carson in charge of HUD purely because he was “urban.” He’s not averse to diversity picks where the further his interests.
Well, I’m mostly irritated by the insolence and disrespectfulness. Which are American virtues. Also the poor treatment of people who, not being American citizens, I guess I’m not allowed to feel an abstract concern for. Clearly, I’m no lawyer.
The VP is the president’s understudy. I think he sees the VP as a reflection of himself in very literal way.
He could put abbott in charge of HHS or the SSA, equating his disability with his perception of the purpose of that agency, just like putting a [redacted] in charge of HUD, but he’s not going to pick a disabled person to be his stand-in. We’re talking about a man whose main consideration in naming his infant son after himself was “what if the son was a loser and went to jail?”.
Well played…
Oops! I didn’t mean to do that
It’s fine, Just roll with it… fuck that guy.
Actually, no. The question was for extra credit, and the asshole instructor said it would only add to our grade, but not take from it. He just didn’t want someone gutting his feeble attempt at teaching a questionable subject. The dean realized he was just being petty, and forced him to re-grade.
The practical effect is that certain parents (you know the type) will scream that any even vaguely “manly” competitor who beats their little precious will be accused, and in some states, humiliatingly examined, just to be certain they’re not “the wrong type”.
Like those girls in particular aren’t already at risk for all sorts of self-esteem issues due to society expectations.
Maybe a bunch of trans men, birth certificates in hand, should visit the Texas state capitol and use the women’s restrooms. Which are the restrooms that TX law says they should use.