A New Chapter In Greg Abbott’s Anti-Federalism Game Of Chicken In Texas

Earlier this year, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other Texas Republicans responded to a Supreme Court ruling that allowed federal Border Patrol agents to cut through razor wire erected by state law enforcement at the border with vows to ignore the high court’s ruling. Abbott has been eager to make a big show of his efforts to usurp federal authority in the state.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1487785

Hate is their fuel. Ipso fascisto.


And he doesn’t care if the feds withhold education funding to districts not in compliance with federal regulations. He’s hoping for it because it’s a win-win for him. More hate and less help for students.


I do not understand their obsession with Trans Athletes. Exactly how many are there participating in High School sports? In Texas, in California, anywhere?

.00000001% of High School atheletes?

Talk about a boogie man. Person?




When’s a tree going to fall on this evil creature?


You mean fall on him again?
And this time… finish the job.


Abbott will feel differently once Dan Patrick takes over and signs an executive order instructing Texas to ignore the Americans with Disabilities Act.


Put all the elevators in Texas state buildings on timers. (To save taxpayer money!) If he is in the building late, and the elevator is off, time for him to man up and walk down the stairs.


This tramples Texas laws that prohibit men in women’s sports.

Someone needs a few military programs transfered out of their state to learn about the difference between federal and state powers.


Stop funding TSA in Texas. Let the State pay for it.


One might think that because of Abbott’s disability he might have some modicum of empathy towards others in different states of suffering and/or persecution. Alas, he consistently acts with cruelty.


Exactly why they are doing it. It is a gimmick to rile up the rubes. They really do not care. They will make life hell for an innocent person if it gets them a vote from their base.


I don’t know why but Abbott and Paxton’s latest stunt reminds me of the old Groucho absurdity, “if we had some eggs we could have some eggs and ham if we had some ham.” I mean if we had an executive seeking an honest judgement we could have a court settle this argument if they would honor the judgement; or something like that.

Never mind: this reich-wing performative bullshit is just f’ing exhausting.


He became a paraplegic when a tree fell on him when he was jogging. He got a multimillion dollar settlement. When he had the power to do so, he lowered the amount injured people can claim.


Abbott is a small man - sour, ugly and mean. I’m glad I don’t have to be around him - the ugly vibes must be awful.


Paxton or Abbott? Because Abbott has never had a problem blocking others who ask for accommodations, going WAY back to his days as Atty General and it carried through after becoming governor. He claims to support it, but…

Attorney General Greg Abbott, who has said he supports the Americans with Disabilities Act, has tenaciously battled to block the courthouse door to disabled Texans who sue the state.

Even going so far as to say a woman with an amputated leg. In that case, the state argued she was not disabled because she had a prosthetic limb.

Advocates for the disabled say Abbott’s office has worked to deny ADA protections by repeatedly and falsely claiming that impaired Texans don’t have the right to sue the state for discrimination. Abbott declined several requests from The Dallas Morning News to discuss the matter.


An easy target for a class of people that rely on common sense for their judgments. Like build a wall. Something simple to be against as well. Like killing babies.

Isolation in the Heartland to sell guns faster than In Cold Blood, and cheap fodder for the preacher and the paper ever since.

Will be interesting to see how far they go this election. The beery drama queens with a hundred years of inbred rage at the other, while their leaders make off with the cake.


He looks for sure a sexual predator of some kind. I’m guessing kompromat explains a lot of what the GOP does in effect now.

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Meant Abbott. Edited. And wow, I had no idea. Disgusting.