A New Chapter In Greg Abbott’s Anti-Federalism Game Of Chicken In Texas

I hesitate to say it, but I will … because I tend to do this -

Abbott believes that a less educated electorate is a more Republican electorate - or at least an electorate that is more easily manipulated by Republican bullshit.


The longer this goes on the fecklesser DOJ appears. Why even have DOJ anyway if it’s going to sit around with its thumb up its ass while Texas breaks every law it wants to?

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I REALLY hope that after the election, President Biden drops the BOOM on that sociopathic POS that is Greg Abbott!! Abbott is truly EVIL!


Abbott is a pure sociopath!! He is truly evil!!!


Personally, I think Abbot is 100% correct. Title IX was written to empower “real women” in many things, but especially in sports. This sudden importance of “sexual identity” is just the kind of woke bullshit that sadly will make some concerned parents vote for Diaper Don.

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Trans people are just the latest “Other” on which righties and the GOP heap their scorn. The GOP impulse to demonize was first expressed toward Blacks, but that avenue became less effective during the Civil Rights era of the mid to late 20th century. Homosexuals became the next target of choice, but too many righties had homosexual relatives, so that “other” had to go. So as Roger Stone might put it, it is now trans peoples time in the barrel.


Republican governors across the U.S. have vowed to support Abbott’s “Civil War” cosplay

Swell. So, immigration problem solved, yes?

So Republicans can stop blocking the bipartisan immigration reform bill? Or maybe just kill it altogether, right? We don’t need it anymore? Of course not. Trump’s Republican Party exists for two purposes: (1) to make chaos to hide their efforts (2) to empower the economic top, who are billionaires with international interests.

Republicans rig the system, so we can be gouged.


It’s not actually science.

We’ve all heard the arguments in favor of such bans: transgender women hold a biological edge over their cisgender opponents, some say, and the sanctity of women’s sports is in jeopardy as a result.

As enticingly clear as the rhetoric may sound, the science is far less conclusive.

According to the National Institute of Health, testosterone levels of transgender women after 12 months of hormone therapy resemble those of their cisgender counterparts, while their muscle strength either decreases or remains unchanged after a year of treatment.


excellent solution

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He and Cawthorne learn nothing.


Next? Quadriplegics?

Pretty soon if this is allowed to continue the there will a greater portion of the population in the “Other” category than in the “normal” category. It’s just another way tighten the circle of normal people that have power.


Nothing new under the sun. This strange obsession with which people get to pee where was one of the scare tactics used against the Equal Rights Amendment, too, back in the day. It’s not about defending women. It’s about defending the status quo.


Can you please define ‘woke’?

As far as I can tell from those who use the term it just a vague term of contempt to insult and denigrate those who think differently from the user of the term.


As far as I can tell, it means “people who have the common courtesy to address other people in the way they request.”


Exactly. If they get their way, it won’t matter if a worker is a citizen or not; they don’t want to pay much for their labor. It looks like being a land owner with sharecroppers, but you don’t have to provide food or housing.


The Supremacy Clause states quite clearly that federal law supersedes state law. I don’t know if that applies to Executive Orders as well, but I do know that Executive Orders have the force of national law. Any opinion from lawyers out there?

That said, Greg Abbott is the classic case of a little man behind what he thinks is a big desk. If he wants to ignore Federal supremacy, he’d better lawyer up. Fast. And if he thinks he’d like to secede, he ought to be reminded about what happened the last time Texas tried that.


Governor Abbott reminds me of Mr. Potter from Its a Wonderful Life. Mean and ornery with little regard for others but his base feeds on that type of thing. With his obsession about states rights he’s wheelie George Wallace.
A couple of years ago the governor of Utah, the very conservative Republican Spencer Cox was faced with one of these transgender women in sports bills that the legislature was passing. He said to the effect “why should I pick on the one trans girl in the state on the track team and not allow them the joy of playing sports”. The bill ended up passing nonetheless.


This is precisely what they fear, and in their fear they alienate more and more people.

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Some states have rushed to pass a law banning trans athletes on the basis of one single child wanting to play.