A Former Trump Assistant Gives a Glimpse of What Loyalty Means to the Former POTUS

I recall his fixer, Michael Cohen saying something very similar. What it seemed to boil down to was the clarity of Trump’s wishes dropped more or less in proportion to the possibility of a bad or unflattering outcome.

Cohen was probably supposed to delay payment to Daniels until after the election, and when it became clear he couldn’t, Trump wouldn’t give the direct order leaving it to Cohen to make the payment on his own and then delaying the reimbursement to Cohen. I suspect Trump’s defense is going to try to make a lot of the fact that Cohen never got a direct order as they argue the money paid him was just legal fees.


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All of the blind loyalty and devotion to Skanky cannot be understood by rational people if they don’t adopt the perspective of followers.

Many christians, catholics, mormons, and muslims believe Skanky to be the Second Coming. And this Coming is extra special, because god has also come along for the earthly journey as Wanky. The evidence is everywhere in plain view.

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I share your view. The 15% discount is suspicious and cosmetic. I think that all of Skanky’s employees are likely as corrupt and parasitic as he is, and they are mooching at his teats. The $6.50 frame was marked up, and the difference pocketed by everyone in the chain of purchase.

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This young woman must either be stupid or have no moral compass. She worked for the slimiest, most self-centered, grifter in the world, and she’s sorry when she tells the truth!


The frame in question was relatively cheap by Tiffany’s standards. (Years ago a friend was a salesgirl there, and a young woman living next door to my parents was had some kind of managerial job in the company. They both agreed: Don’t waste your money there. The mark-up is insane, and you can find equally high-quality things elsewhere without much searching.)






As I understood it, the problems were with her. The problem with him came later and some blame this on the distant relationship with his mom.

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This is so creepy. And btw, has Trump ever looked in a mirror? He is not exactly a specimen himself. I bet he is as bad a father as he is a husband.


A side note. If the frame is indeed mostly silver as it well might be, it is interesting to see how tarnished the silver has become. Silver tarnishes rapidly in the presence of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur-containing gases. Living near an active volcano, a hot spring, polluting high-sulfur petrochemical refinery, or coal-based power plant will do a number on grandma’s silver. I am sure the White House has an excellent air purification system, there are no more than a few rotten eggs around, and the pollution in Washington DC are not explanatory.

My guess is that the sharts and the sodden diapers are the rich source of hydrogen sulfide in the immediate vicinity of the silver in the frame of the former Klan thugs.


I came to comment on her reply. I thought her “Sorry, sir” completely undercut her testimony that Trump didn’t micromanage smaller expenses. If $650 was beneath his notice, whe did she apologize. That tells me that she knew it was a transgression for not asking for approval to spend that much money.


Always a glass half full kind of guy, maybe there’s hope for the kid after all. The last video I saw of the kid featured him smirking at tfg…


My uninformed and poorly research take is Mom told him don’t do it. Mel is protective of her only kid, and Barron will out live all of them, so don’t get in the limelight kid.


By all accounts, she was emotionally distant. But maybe that just shows she was an excellent judge of character.


That kid was gonna have so much inappropriate sex at the cougar convention.


They had the same hair stylist

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What on earth is the matter with her?
I can see wanting to be a Stepford Wife to a handsome, wonderful man who cares about you (as long as you stay pretty and take care of him) - but to have this attitude towards a boor who is rock stupid, not even funny, not even truly rich and you’ve seen belittle people - and probably you.
What’s your damage, sister?


also, as if trump would have known the difference between a Tiffany’s frame and something from the Office Max is highly doubtful - the whole thing stinks


Let’s just say I can now see why it’s so important to 45* that all the females in his orbit have plastic surgery.

also - what the hell planet is that hair from?


I can’t imagine why a woman her age would decide that the early 1960s was the time she was going to freeze her hairstyle. She would have been 49-50 when that do was around. Usually people go with something from their heyday.


" He told racist jokes,made crude remarks about women and was a cheapskate. How could I not love him?"