5 Points On The Heightened Concern Over Saturday’s Right-Wing Rally At The Capitol | Talking Points Memo

The whole rally is rigged against Trump and his real patriot followers. I will be demanding an audit if the liberal media press report anything other than massive success with Trump returning to his rightful place on the throne of Abraham Lincoln.


Firearms are illegal in DC. In preparation of the likely to be poorly attended event, the Mayor’s office has set up an anonymous tip line to report weapons, and office staffers are handing out signs for business to hang in their windows that read:

“If you see someone with a firearm, immediately call 911.”

With any luck, a flash-mob will show up and glitter bomb the bastards. That’s what I would call “counter-culture.”


One of the inconvenient facts about the capital insurrection was that it was broadcast on television worldwide. It is a bit difficult to “redefine” an event that everyone watched for themselves in real time.

That won’t stop the true believers who see anything that Trump tells them to see, but anyone else is likely to be a tough sell.


Yes. Made up of diseased, deplorables.

Closest we will get to a zombie apocalypse. We may want to review key George Romero films for helpful insights.


True, although just like the 1/6 riot there will be many people there wearing backpacks. I think it’s safe to assume a few will be packing.

The Secret Service sets up metal detectors for anyone attending a Trump rally, but I don’t know if the USCP are doing that here. Maybe not, to avoid confrontations? At least there aren’t any obvious targets for assassination here, unless someone wants a world of hurt falling on their head by shooting a cop.

I tell you we’re barbarous times. There’s no light at the end of the tunnel, and we’re all on edge.

"…selective prosecutions based on their political beliefs.”

I’m pretty sure the accused at Nuremberg were all members of one political party and held the same beliefs.


Day old sushi. That’s the ticket.


So maybe all they need is BRAINS.


From the Department of the Blazingly Obvious…

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In January, he wrote to the Justice Department that “we do not support the Biden Administration using those few bad apples as an excuse to persecute the peaceful Trump supporters who entered the Capitol with selective prosecutions based on their political beliefs.”


The first arrests were on 1/6.


Seems so.

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Well, since the vast majority of the rally attendees are almost certainly not vaccinated, we can assume two things:

1.) A great number of them will catch COVID and either get deathly ill or actually die (hopefully, quite quickly so they don’t clog up our precious hospital resources), and

2.) They will all have tiny balls since, by not taking the vaccine, they will not have gargantuan testes like Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s impotent friend.


Oooooh, I like it! Most excellent idea.


Sounds familiar.

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You’re assuming they won’t be out running errands for mother, which can cut into their ‘patriotic protest’ time.

OT, but I just saw that Manchin is on board with the Senate Dem’s voting rights bill.


Romero never outdid his initial trilogy. Despite the imperfections, those first three ‘Dead’ movies will always be the ultimate to me.


Those of us in the DMV sure hope it’s a bust. This is exhausting.


A circular firing squad is what they’ve become. Good for us, not so much for them.

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