Discussion: Trump Confirms He Called House Repeal Bill 'Mean,' Claims Obama Copied Him

There’s an old movie with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. As a divorcing couple, their actions to taunt, “best,” and destroy each other become both unbelievable and self-destructive. While former President Obama isn’t participating, this is the mindset that Trump has and he can’t let go. All I can hope is that he does destroy himself in the process.


I think that’s an excellent point. “Worst ever” puts Trump in a continuum, but really he’s outside any conceivable bounds of Presidential qualifications. No government or military experience, no leadership of any organization in which give and take is part of the culture. You can go on much further about the corruption, limited intellect, and mental illness, but it’s a radical break with tradition just to have a President with no relevant experience. He’s the one of these things that’s not like the other, he’s not at one end of a range or continuum, he’s entirely outside what’s normal.


Every Dem should use mean to describe this abomination of a bill, Now and forever whether it gets passed or not.


“FOX and Friends of Putin”



Ya, it was no accident Obama used the same word Trump used. I can’t guess the real intent, you might have it or a poster above might have it (laying a trap because he knew trump ® would be unable to ignore it), but I am quite sure it was 100% intentional.


Let’s just hope he’s out of office before they start on his national portrait for the gallery of US Presidents. The Smithsonian will have to have full time guards on duty specifically tasked to protect any portrait of him from being smeared with tomatoes on a regular basis if he gets that far into office. I suggest an early version in crayon, and leave it at that.


Yep. Lots of Dems have been going on CNN and MSNBC and using the descriptive “mean” to describe the bill ever since the reports that Trump privately used the term. It’s been noticeable because it’s a far more juvenile term than any of them would normally use. It’s clearly been a talking point, designed to highlight Trump’s hypocrisy. Now the idiot has confirmed it. Obama knew exactly what he was doing, and succeeded.


McConnell deserves him.


I’m leaning more to Obama setting a trap for Trump (as 26degreesrising and mattinpa suggested) by using the word mean. My first comment, even as limited as it was, perhaps gave Trump way too much credit for the ability to perceive, recognize, comprehend and reason - none of which he’s really capable of on a human intellect level. But he does have instincts and reflexes. The more Trump says “I said the bill is mean, I said it first, the bill is mean, I said it, Obama’s a copycat,” the better.


There are episodes that societies will renounce and try to erase afterward—deStalinization, for instance, is an example. Without altering any historical records or chronicles, I’d support some symbolic measures like not having a portrait or listing his name among legitimately elected Presidents. Assuming we make it this society will be a long time healing and will need all the help it can get. We should discuss it at least. First things first, though.


Here we go again. Trump seems to be so obsessed with Obama. I am not sure if had Obama been a white man, Trump would have been so obsessed with him. Remember Trump went on for years with his obsession with Obama’s birth certificate. And now, even when Obama is out of the White House, Trump’s hatred for Obama still has not stopped. Trump’s face reflect that disgusting ugly nature and personality that combine the worst racist and a dictator (the Kim Jong un and Vladimir Putin kind of dictator). They are the freak of nature and they belong to hell. The sooner they are sent to hell better off the world would be.


True; but for me, it’s so far beyond the mere total (mere total!) lack of experience. I can almost imagine someone with no government experience but enough awareness of what government does, and enough humility to realize what kind of experienced support he’d need to surround himself with in office, managing to be roughly up to/worthy of the job. (Though any real-world examples I can think of at the moment – Warren Buffet, maybe? – are smart and humble enough to know they shouldn’t be president, so…) The compounding of his complete lack of experience with the mental, psychological and temperamental “issues” that prevent him from learning anything that doesn’t feed his neediness is, to me, what makes him truly, dangerously, sui generis among presidents.


It’s iconic, really, that while everyone else is focused on the impact of the legislation and the very real possibility of people dying, Trump is only concerned about whether he gets credit for using a word.

Let this moment stand as the most emblematic moment of his entire presidency.


Bbbbut bbbbut…“hosed”…!!!

Seriously, I agree. They are throwing Trump’s own word /description of the bill right back at him. It also highlights how Trump says one thing one minute and another the next. It’s so obvious this is deliberate. That anyone can see this and then have the nerve to turn around and use Trumps ineptness and tendency to LIE to attack Pelosi, Pres. Obama or other Democrats is baffling.
It’s hard to take certain posters here seriously.


Can we generalize to mono-syllabic and lowbrow?


LOL…“cut out the middleman”. That’s awesome.


American people can no longer afford to have a mentally unstable, delusional, egomaniac, Putin controlled, stupid bigot like Donald Trump to govern the country. It’d be like allowing a drunk driver, with prior child molestation conviction, taking control of a bus full of school children .


Obama’s powerful. He utters a single word and the entire whitehouse collapses in rubble :joy:


McConnell probably still wishes the entire country were a bunch of cigarette smokers. Healthcare be damned, since lobbyists pay his way forward. The man has no moral center, and is just bargaining for time before he cashes out. He’s already made a mockery of the Senate, changing every norm and rule since he took over…with nothing but contempt for the process, and his ability to ignore how hypocritical he’s been all along.

I loved the video @tiowally posted yesterday on him from Dickipedia. Here is an encore presentation for anyone that missed it.


Not if it’s used in it’s parsimonious sense:
unwilling to give or share things, especially money; not generous.
“she felt mean not giving a tip”
miserly, niggardly, close-fisted, parsimonious, penny-pinching, cheeseparing, Scroogelike

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