Discussion: Trump Confirms He Called House Repeal Bill 'Mean,' Claims Obama Copied Him

Thank you for your service. I haven’t been able to stomach family get-togethers for awhile now, so I just keep making up excuses not to be able to make it to whatever Trumpfest they’re planning. It’s nice that you let the rest of us know what we missed.


Make no mistake. The country is in the dire straits it’s in because the opposition party, the Democratic Party is weak and frankly stupid. Can’t fight. Can’t message. Overly concerned with etiquette and being seen as playing fair, while the other side just makes the rules up as it goes. And all the while the party is controlled by people whose economics aren’t too far off from GOP economics and whose fealty seems to be to Wall St.

I can see the future: Democrats hold all seats of power in 2020, the Democratic Pres names Republicans to his/her cabinet, puts someone from Goldman Sachs in charge of the economy, the Democrats in the Senate reinstate the filibuster…and we begin the slow process of bipartisan incremental change. A very small percentage of the damage done is repaired but no one in the country outside the Beltway can feel it. Democrats will stand in front of microphones and act as if they’ve saved the country. The American people unable to feel any change in the continuing downward spiral of their lives, decide to vote for the GOP again after 4 or 8 years.

…and I should ring bells and make contributions to such weak, effete pussies? For what?

The orange is obsessed with President Obama in a very sick way.


I said this yesterday and again today, it is time for the 25th amendment. Forget impeachment -he is over the edge and unfit to continue.


Oh yeah…and Republicans never say anything divisive…

He be crazy.


This ass is really stupid! So now he’s trademarking the “words” that he considers are “his”?

We have the dumbest president EVER!

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The wôrd: Decompensation.


Well is SOUNDS like the only ‘pussy’ is you…or is that bully, bot or troll? Or maybe just a ahole.


@gretchen shouldn’t waste her time being picky or we’ll have to call her a mean girl.

@maxie @sysprog

No one’s asked me but I’ll say it anyway. You’re both using women’s genitals as a slur and a political label… So, no bully, bot or troll, just pigs.


OH really, based on what Einstein? Too much truth about Democrats? BTW, you sound every bit the effete pussy I’m talking about…

Does it make you mad that the Republican a Democrat President named to his position is the man responsible for bringing Trump to power and denying Clinton? Does it make you mad that the same Democrat President was more concerned with appearing fair and balanced than he was in doing the right thing no matter how difficult and in doing so helping Hillary win? Does it piss you off to see a Democrat put forward GOP lite policy?

Probably not.

Seriously, IMO “worst president ever” is such an understatement as to be misleading. The other widely acknowledged candidates – Buchanan or W, eg – were very bad presidents who did terrible things that caused lasting damage to the country; but they were at least minimally presentable on the public stage as political figures, and however awful and ill-conceived their ideas for governing were, they did have something like actual ideas for governing.

Trump needs to be considered on another scale entirely: he’s a severely damaged human being who’s been successful in life (in a way too many people measure success) only because of inherited wealth, the omnipresence of enablers his wealth makes possible, and an utter absence of scruple. Without the inherited wealth, the damage and the absence of scruple would almost certainly have landed him in a public facility of some kind long before now. I genuinely believe (barring a nightmare future in which DeVos and the state of Texas dictate all written history) that Trump will be considered a shocking, tragic anomaly – or, deity of your choice forbid, turning point.


Obama needs to keep poking this moron.

It’s so obvious that the fact that Obama is still breathing and beats him in every popularity poll drives this idiot even crazier than he already is.

Obama could just tweet his poll numbers every day, for starters. Throw in some pics having fun with the family, the dog, whatever…


I’m disturbed at the thought of his presidency when I realize that he had no mandate to slash and burn the government as we see him doing, he’s acting out of rage towards President Obama, and whatever needs to be done to run the government and provide for the welfare of Americans is the last thing on his small mind. He swore to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” and he has no intention of doing that.


Using the noun Democrat as an adjective, marks you as a conservative sympathizer.

The content of your ludicrously incoherent. comment reinforces that mark.

And Comey never, in his entire public service career, allowed his personal views to color his professional conduct.


Thanks for the lovely ad hom.
You proved me correct very quickly.


…I know you are but what am I?

Or, if you will….Decomposition.
Either way…works for me.
The guy isn’t even worthy of being in my compost heap.

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I hate to feed the troll BUT…

  • Why is Donald so haunted by Obama? Let me count the ways…Obama’s competence, favorability, eloquence, ability to focus and see the big picture, understanding of how things work, respect for the law, his decency, etc, etc. etc.

  • Why is the GOP so afraid of Pelosi? They tremble in fear at the mere mention of her name. Could it be because of her effective leadership? She was powerful and able to corral her caucus, something Boehner and Ryan have been unable to do.

  • What is the fallback on Clinton about? He won, she lost, he has to govern but unfortunately Donald has no idea how to operate in a system of checks and balances and the rule of law.


Since Trump never admits to a mistake, the House bill is forever mean and since the Senate bill is even more regressive and nasty, it is also mean. Trump people have to agree since he said it. Maybe Trump really is a Dem in disguise.

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