Discussion: Schiff: Steve Bannon 'Doesn't Belong In The White House'

I hate to quibble but Maher only is on once a week, so his foot at least has time to dry between mouth insertions… whereas Trump is on a 24/7 news cycle, I hear Trumps mouth charges his foot tent (at bloated, Trump branded prices)


Yes, agreed.

However, I think disgrace may have been the word you were looking for.


“Senator Schiff” has a nice sound to it, eh?

So does “President Schiff.”

Totally mind-bogglingly so.

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@feathered_head as well

I tend to agree on Weiner, and pretty much on Edwards too. But I think Spitzer is a sad waste of enormous talent and not such a hideous sinner. Just a sinner, and he was I’m sure set up by the banksters besides.

When it comes to Maher, I find him personally abhorrent in many ways. Far too smarmy and smug. Yet he makes me laugh so go figure.

But I have to say, I’m curious. What with the stances you both take on Weiner and Edwards and Spitzer, do you also condemn Bill Clinton? Disclaimer: I don’t. I think he’s just a sinner too.

@billyjoe I think Schiff is great, possibly the best thing since sliced bread, but I don’t think he has the personality to successfully run for president. More’s the pity. But that’s the state of politics.

Schiff is married (to Eve) and has 2 children.

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Reread what I said about Spitzer and about Edwards and you should be able to figure that out. I don’t because he was not an AG, DA or judge. I don’t because he never sent Hillary out in public to plead his case and therefore did not behave like a cad or a coward.

It’s not the cheating - you aren’t getting me. It is about the circumstances around the cheating.

I was never upset with Gary Hart, except for getting caught so blatantly. Mark Sanford is GOP, but his little pecadillo didn’t bother me either. It is not about the affairs for me. It’s about the behavior around the cheating.

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No I read your comment. But Clinton perjured himself while president. I would think that’s a legal standard he failed for you even if he was not precisely an AG, DA or a judge. But if not, not.

And Hillary Clinton did carry the water for him. I beg to differ there, though I wouldn’t argue that she shouldn’t have, or fault her for it. She did what had to.

She was not, however, dying of cancer while Bill was cheating. So there is that.

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A guy who proudly wants to destroy the government and our way of life, and for the last several years has made his living by proudly spreading lies, someone thinks he shouldn’t be in the White House? How can that be a problem, for anyone?

Hillary did not get on Dailykos and plead for forgiveness for Bill.
And he never stood by while she did that.

I don’t approve of perjury. What do you want me to say? For me what Bill did was about the same thing as Gary Hart or Sanford and I already said I didn’t hold it against either one of them. But I see a difference between Bill, Gary, Mark and Elliot, Edwards and Weiner, who I think is ill. If you don’t then that’s your perogative.

This is a great first step as a rough timeline,Trump hijacked the Republican party with a faux populist revolution, Bannon saw the opportunity for his on version of a Lenin strategy and hijacked the Trump movement. Now it begins to fall apart we even though we don’t have Sailors fighting for us and we do not have Bannon and his ilk will executing opponents as Lenin did, without that extreme violence Lenin would have failed also.The majority of Americans want the government services the GOP wants to take away and the press is finally getting the message out there so people understand that they too are on Obamacare, and that those highways and bridges feel apart because the GOP refused to fund their maintenance. I still am concerned that too many folks still do not understand how fucked up the GOP is and how much they get fucked by Paul Ryan and his scum bag buddies now and in the future.

This remains true even when you limit the list just to people who are currently at the White House.

I really, really admire and appreciate him. I wish I lived in his district.

I’m going to the monthly meeting of my Democratic Club tonight. It’s going to be nice to be around a lot of like-minded people after all of the depressing news of the last week.

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What I read about the rant was that Jones was just trying to be offensive and insulting towards Representative Schiff.

I think you need to reread my comment now. I only took exception to the condemnation of Spitzer, saying loss of him was an enormous waste of talent. And that was true.

He, unfortunately, never had a great personality, so he’s become a person it’s always forgiveable to pillory. But he was great AG for New York and, while his governorship was marred by personality conflicts, he was still fighting the good fight so I don’t think he should be thrown into the same basket as self-servers Anthony Weiner and John Edwards – though I have to say there are some things about both of them that don’t deserve the trash heap either, even if the scale generally does tip to trash in both their cases.

Well anyway. I hope we can agree at least that it’s a pity that sex addiction seems to fit hand in glove with power.

Exactly, Obama won twice by being cool and calm, and talking smart. Hillary tried to trash him, then McCain, then Romney. All 3 lost to him.

And as someone pointed out, people like Weiner and Grayson were way over the top, and look where they are now.

It’s no surprise that since the election, Trumps ratings are in the tank, and Obama’s have gone up. No coincidence. Obama has made minimal statements, kept them short and factual etc. No Castro “people are going to jail!!!” childish ego feeding nonsense. And Trump is just in another league, never been anyone as idiotic as this with the statements he has made. He is accusing people of felonies with no evidence. Obama could sue him for slander, but he knows the best move it to let Trump and his people self destruct themselves.

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IIRC, the order of succession of Cabinet Secretaries depends on when the department was created, so “Dancing Rick” is pretty low on the totem pole. I am not sure who comes after State, maybe Treasury? Even if Pence succeeds Mango Mussolini, he ain’t going anywhere soon. Le sigh. (A quick Wikipedia check reveals the line of succession: VP, Speaker of the House, President Pro Tem of the Senate, Secys. of State, Treasury, Defense, etc. Dept. of Energy is very low on the list.)

Actually Paul Ryan (Speaker of the House) is behind Pence, followed by the President of the Senate (or some such crap).
Tillerson is #4 or #5 in line.
(See when Gerald Ford was shot and his Sec.of State said “I am in charge” and got BURNED for it)

The only one worth a damn is Mattis, he’s a good guy. And he disagrees with Trump on everything…

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