Discussion: Schiff: Steve Bannon 'Doesn't Belong In The White House'

I think Mattis is one of the only ones who deserves the cabinet slot he’s got, but I fear that the aggressive stances we are currently taking carry his signature.

I think Trump only picked him because his nickname is Mad Dog…

I don’t think that is the case. He’s pretty anti-war and definitely against torture, etc. He supports a two state solution in the Middle East. He knows Putin wants to break up NATO and control a lot of the energy market in Europe.

As to Syria, frankly I have no problem with an airstrike on a military base if it stops that POS Assad from using chemical weapons on kids.

I hope you’re right. But he is the one who sold Trump on the disastrous raid in Yemen, so let’s just say I have fear, especially when I consider how virulently anti-Iran he has always been (though he thankfully does support the nuclear accord).

I don’t dislike Spitzer at all – just that I wish I never knew anything about his kinks. As for Bill Clinton – I liked him as president – but was angry that he had so little self control that he couldn’t keep is dick in his pants. We were depending upon him. I don’t think he should’ve been impeached over it – but maybe I have a double standard. I sure as hell would like to see Trump impeached over something similar – although anything will do! It also bothered me at the time that Hillary didn’t leave Bill and get on with her own political career without having to carry his baggage. I am older now though and have lived through my own ups and downs in marriage and I understand better why she stayed with him. History, family, love – even if its not perfect. Bill continued to bug me though when he would say or do things that could be used as a cudgel against her politically – even when he meant well. He just wasn’t helping.


What makes you think it’s true?

Yes – I typed that wrong – Ryan, then Tillerson.

So much for de…operational-ism.

Your thinking about when Saint Ronnie was shot. Alexander Haig was his SOS at the time and was the one who decided he was in charge. I am sure it was a shock to Bush the Elder or as my kids refer to him Bush the Good. You can probably figure out who they call Bush the Bad.

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