Discussion: Congress Reels As Rexit News Hits Capitol Hill

Next time don’t hold back.


This I like.


Is there any doubt that Bannon is doing a happy dance? Administrative state kablooey is what he wanted and here it is. Arrest all these MoFos now.


Reel, Baby. Reel.

I mean really really reel.

Keep on reeling till the break of a new dawn.


Trump would love some old-school barbering: perhaps a good bloodletting or two.



It’s important that the President has the team he wants in place before those two events happen.”

Employees of trump that just might make it for a while longer than most.


“The State Department is in chaos,” Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) exclaimed to reporters…

I think Ms. Ollstein misspelled “Kaos”.


Trump may be Putin’s puppet but Pompeo is Trump’s puppet and the new head of the CIA should be in prison for committing treason. Who knows which deplorable is the more deplorable? And then there is the other crook who just got shown the door for financial crimes. Why not just open a branch Ft. Leavenworth on the White House grounds?


“pretty soon the President’s barber is going to play a big role in American foreign policy”

…I do believe that his personal pilot has been proposed to lead the FAA, so this isn’t even a preposterous statement.


“My main concern is: does she now know that those techniques are not allowed?”

–We didn’t allow the same indulgence for Nazis at the Nurnberg trials…


Warning, my inner cynic is coming out, again.
I hope somebody looks into any business deals Tillerson may have benefited from during his tenure as SoS, otherwise I’ll wonder if this isn’t so much a termination as a “next guy up to put his/her hand in the cookie jar!” kinda thing.
Pompeo, it’s your turn in the cash grab booth!


Tillerson should never have been picked in the first place. Than again, Trump would never have hired a strong Secretary of State, let alone someone he would actually respect and pay attention to (Mitt Romney would not have tolerated the Trump circus for long).

Then again, given that Trump is an amateur and an incompetent, shouldn’t we regard Jared Kushner as the real Secretary of State under Trump? Okay, when Democrats and Republicans stop laughing, isn’t it now more clear than ever that Trump has no business being in the White House?


Naw, wouldn’t be bothered by that. With his former position, he’s set regardless. Not like Jared, who is busy trying to keep from drowning in debt, and needs the attention of the position to save himself.

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Tight lipped, loose butthole.

Good reminder of Pompeo’s rise to fame and glory.
However, since Trump is self-admitted as his own state department, and has no need of a SOS, then I believe Pompeo is safer for the country at State rather than the CIA.
But then, there is torture momma “Cat’s Eye” Haspel at CIA…


TRUssiaMP thinks he is Louis XIV, “L’etat c’est moi” and all that. Complete with buxom mistresses and hundreds of lickspittles.


Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) quipped: “At the rate this administration is hemorrhaging staff, pretty soon the President’s barber is going to play a big role in American foreign policy.”

Given Trump’s freakish hair, I’d say his barber already plays a big role in US policy.

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My opinion, as I posted yesterday, is that trump seeks to be the Padeshah Emperor where none dare question his greatness. Not president of the United States and leader of the free world. Trump does not want “allies” …he wants subjects. This applies to people as well as friendly countries… if any countries want to still be friendly that is. Trump cares nothing about the rule of law or the Constitution. Especially when laws and that document get in his way. I am not snarking here. I am serious when I say trump wants to be dictator over America.


The Republican Party is the Trumpist Party from now on. Forever. They must NEVER be able to shed the absolute shame of having supported this monster.

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