You Won't Find Vintage Trump Nostalgia Here

Of course he does.


Ahhhh, Jesse. Jesse has always been politically enigmatic. I remember him from his days as governor. He never was a Republican. I think he now identifies with some Green Party faction.

He did come down on Vance like a ton of bricks for his attempted swift boating of Walz. So that might have something to do with it.


MAGA: You say that like it’s a bad thing.


Stealing this!


According to this TDICFFG has had $160,000 worth of work done. More than twice that for Melania. Any word on how the malpractice suit is going?


In a normal political environment, Trump’s confusion over the helicopter incident and subsequent doubling down with threats of law suits against the NYT, calling Maggie Haberman “Maggot Hagermann” and the casual racism would have, for all intents and purposes, ended his campaign.


Yeah, me too.

This end-run around democracy crap they’re endlessly up to is really tiresome. Yet it very well could spark major problems, even violence again.

I certainly hope there’s a large army of Democratic lawyers at the ready. But at the same time, I really get concerned that the technicalities of the law will gum up everything and lead to the corrupt SCOTUS again, a la 2000.

It gives me hope that their deteriorating cult leader may be so raving loony by then that everyone except a few dead-enders will abandon him to wandering the halls of Mar-a-Lago with toilet paper and classified docs stuck to his shoe.


Trump leads a cult. Societal and political norms of behavior don’t apply to him. He can do and say whatever he pleases, and none of it will be to the detriment of his campaign, nor the slavish loyalty of his followers. I think if he raped a small boy on live television he’d close the polling gap between himself and Harris. It would probably be good for a 2-3 point bump.


It’s funny because it’s true


Jackson,weeping: How dare they take my whole life out of context!


Memo to: DJT
Subject: Policy ideas
“Enough of the Ranting, Where’s the Beef?”


Anthony Michael Kreis says the State Election Board overstepped. This will probably be litigated.




“But the Trump campaign did its job too well. Biden dropped out early enough to give his VP a fighting chance.” (Kate Riga)

Despite all the news articles citing unnamed sources that reported on Biden’s determination to stay in the race (and that of Jill, Hunter, and others close to the president), I strongly suspect that Biden had pretty much decided to withdraw much earlier – had been living with the idea for some time – and intentionally waited until just after the Repub. convention to do so. He thereby set up the Republicans for a misdirected convention, while his announcement and nearly immediate endorsement of Harris stole Republicans’ post-debate thunder. Harris and her team were so ready to go that she must have had grounds for knowing this was coming. Maybe one day we’ll learn whether she had worked closely with Biden on a “secret plan” or she and her team were preparing just in case.


You think of Stephen Miller, and then think that his being close to Trump should alone disqualify Trump, then you think of Steve Bannon, and then think that his being close to Trump should alone disqualify Trump, then you think of Ronny Jackson, … then you think of MTG, … then you think of Kelly Ann Conway, … then you think of Jeffrey Epstein, then … well I could go on and on and on, but I should leave some room today for other commenters.


The helicopter story is taking Trump’s campaign on a ride that’s endangering it:

ETA: I see @ralph_vonholst had the quote first.


DJT wouldn’t know a policy idea if it bit him on his ample ass. His campaign is based on a single message, that America is going to Hell in a handbasket and only he can fix it.

That’s it. No details, just whatever you don’t like about the modern age, he’ll fix it and return us all to the wonderful Ozzie and Harriet life of the 1950’s. Project 2025 would take us back even further, but he can’t talk about that, and wouldn’t be able to remember all the bullet points anyway.

ETA: The Harris/Walz campaign recognizes this, and has come up with the great slogan “We’re Not Going Back!”


Speaking of which . . . ProPublica has a story out . . .


The timing for things does seem to suggest that the withdrawal was strategic and elements of it may have been, but it’s way easier to frame a narrative after the fact that feels true than to create one before it happens. Let’s be careful not to craft our own crashing helicopter stories


I thought I was being very careful not to: “suspect”; “maybe one day we’ll find out.”