Twitter has been abuzz this weekend with the revelation of Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-UT) secret Twitter persona: Pierre Delecto.
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Twitter has been abuzz this weekend with the revelation of Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-UT) secret Twitter persona: Pierre Delecto.
I’m not sure which Twitter persona I find more irritating: Marco Rubio’s unctuous Jeebus-humping cosplay or this plutocratic coward’s winking smugness.
Why is this news? I was hoping at least that he had made some interesting posts. Sort of a secret Life where pretends to have a spine.
From the Slate article, since now he’s made it private…
“John, agree on Trump’s awful decision, but what could the Senate do to stop it?”
Gee, SENATOR, maybe if you’re asking questions like that, you shouldn’t be in the fucking Senate.
I would have preferred it being Mittens dog having the account, but then Devin Nunes has milked that for all it’s worth.
Typical of this pompous ass that he uses his secret account to whine about perceived slights. He’ll be back in president traitor’s pocket shortly, and then pretend he made some sort of bold stand by limply complaining about the idiot president without actually doing anything. In other words, he’s Romneying again.
(Beyond twitter)
I can’t help it, I am kind of enjoying watching MRomney’s role right now. Insider turned outsider embodiement of how Trump has turned GOP into Trumpford wives by comparison.
Mittens, the original Q-Tip, senses a weakness in the Farce.
He’s encouraging a nudge to run for president.
Etch-A-Mitt in Drag Twitter Account: Still Spineless
With a username like “qaws9876” (just look at your keyboard for the position of the letters), his password is definitely something like “password1234”.
Who but a coward?
I am proud of President Obama for hardly ever posting on Twitter, and then posting only what is encouraging to all.
Some people have style and class, others…
Pretentious? Moi?!
Ze French say non to M. Pierre Delecto.
Sounds like a secondary character in a soft porn novelette about chefs.
So this is what he believed privately but didn’t dare say in public?
“He explained that he uses a secret Twitter account—“What do they call me, a lurker?”
Actually, the term is “sock-puppet”, douphos.
Profiles in Chickenshit.
Sen. Mitt Romney’s (R-UT) secret Twitter persona: Pierre Delecto.
I thought Pierre Delecto was his Morm-porn name. How does he keep track of all of his different roles?
“What do they call me, a lurker?”
No, Mitt. We call you a “fluffer.”