Why You Can't Call The Roberts Court 'Conservative' Any Longer

Could be, although the pattern lately is that the MM posted on the front page of the site doesn’t allow comments, and then some time later it’s activated. As if, whoever is running the bank of hamster wheels running the server has to manually activate comments on that link, and they forget to do it. I came in 22 minutes after your first post.


I guess we commenters need to just read the posts and stew in silence. The magnificence of the half dozen posts each day doesn’t really sustain this place.

For me the big story of last week was the Roberts court. They know better than anyone and we all have to do what they and their sponsors say. Maybe we can get them NASCAR robes to tell us who each of them is sponsored by?


Kitty, in a basket:


Can I file for a divorce from the Chief Justice and members of the Supremes? It seems like a good time to make it official:
… Well, if you told me you were drowning, I would not lend a hand
I’ve seen your face before, my friend, but I don’t know if you know who I am
Well, I was there and I saw what you did, I saw it with my own two eyes
So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you’ve been
It’s all been a pack of lies

… And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord
I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh Lord
Well, I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh Lord, oh Lord


I think they’re going to roll back the 2020 election and declare Trump the winner. Which makes him term limited. Biden will then run unopposed becoming the 47th president. Everybody’s happy.


And, slightly off topic, I haven’t the slightest idea how the new comments system work. Frustrating to say the least.


I’m wondering about intake.

Cavity search for podcast equipment stuffed into his prison purse?
Will he be required to shower regular or will they do him like Rambo?



Be nice now.

Steve will follow all prison regulations, cuz that’s the kind of revolutionary he is.


the Roberts supermajority has taken a radical course where the judiciary is increasingly the final arbiter not just on the law but on the facts, the interpretation of those facts, the application of those facts in given situations, and the technical, scientific, and professional implications of those facts in the real world.

In GOP world, would that be activist judging?


off to the GYM. hope the world has not inploded by the time I get back


From the NYT liveblog on the SCOTUS decisions today:

The Supreme Court will announce decisions, starting at 10 a.m., one at a time. The most junior justice who wrote a majority opinion will go first, summarizing it from the bench. As he or she starts, reporters in the press room will be handed paper copies, and the court will post the decision on its website. The next decision is made public when the next justice, in reverse order of seniority, starts to read. And so on. Those oral summaries can take some time, particularly if they are accompanied by oral dissents. All of this can take half an hour or more.


When did it stop working? Today is the first that it failed for me. No emails with the link.

Normal ID and password worked fine.

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Justice delayed is justice denied. As intended.

Roberts is taking over some parts of government because he wants those parts to stay functional when the Executive and Legislative branches are overrun by Trump & MAGA. Big business doesn’t want its proceedings before federal agencies to grind to a halt, or be held hostage by the tantrums of the GQP.

Roberts is preparing to end democracy because it will soon have outlived its usefulness to the Federalist Society.


I look forward to my daily Puppy!



I probably assume too much about the latitude and ability prisoners have to communicate publicly with the outside world. Recently I read accounts of Michael Avenatti conducting some sort of interview and releasing it. From jail. And some J6 prisoners did an actual podcast and aired it. Yet depictions of prisoners being caught with cell phones sees them stripped of privileges and thrown in solitary. Maybe a lawyer here can tell us, just what degree of liberty do prisoners have to communicate to outsiders, free of interference from the prison administrators? I almost expect Bannon to continue airing his show, somehow, despite being incarcerated.


surely you jest? These are finest judges in the land


My daughter takes the best pictures. Mine generally suck.


It is a beautiful picture of Puppy!


They also snapped a picture of a guard asleep in his chair. I don’t think the higher ups realized the pad or laptop they were give had a camera integrated.


Again from the NYT liveblog:

The majority opinion in the immunity decision will probably be written by Chief Justice Roberts. He is the most senior member of the court, meaning that decision will probably come last.

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