How true. The GQP was onto this one immediately, even as folks in the comments over at the Post were chastising us lefties for making political comments. It’s the times. (And not New York or LA.)
Trump also benefitted in his first term by having a deep bench of competent government employees and some of his cabinet. He has less of that now and is rapidly destroying the institutional competence.
Money will do that to you. And for you…
It will be gone forever.
Really, can’t these bored overachievers just take up cabinet making, or scrimshaw art, or learning to play the harpsichord? At least Dubya dropped out to do watercolor paintings.
Most of Trump’s people in his last term should not be mistaken for “a deep bench of competent government employees and some of his cabinet”. For example I would not say that about Tillerson or John Bolton or most of his appointments.
In fact in truth the worst of John Bolton was at least as bad as the worst of Donald Trump.
But what you could say about his last clown car freakshow is they had some respect for the institutions and understood the dangers of a despot and so to some extent worked to mitigate the worst of Trump.
The question is while that may hasten a crisis caused by Trump that he cannot control, will the lack of respect for institutions allow Trump to use his power in a manner to that moots resistance so that it does not matter how terrible are the results.
And for her confirmation, GOP let everyone know that any questions about the cult would be treated as “anti-Catholic bigotry,” and Dems dutifully accepted that and kept quiet. Basically what many of them are trying to do with Tulsi now. Sigh.
I’m going to break my usual rule in not commenting on female politicians looks…
The gray whisp of hair… it makes her look like a Bond villian.
Everything is already so surreal, it just makes it like they are mocking us with how cartoonish they all are.
(Btw: not that it’s bad, just in the context makes seem unreal, and intentionally this way)
Except Vishnu is Hindu. Guru-guy insists they’re not Hindu. Weirdo-guru probably doesn’t want to share his godhead.
I think it’s simply mathematical.
There are very stupid and very bad people in the world.
Whether through luck or family money or raw sycophancy, sometimes those very stupid and bad people rise to a position of serious power.
They can then use that power to pursue the very stupid and bad ideas they already have.
Hell, even if all they did was spend $5,000 a week on escorts like Charlie Sheen does at least they’re relaxed and stimulating the economy.
The obvious reply to this is, Trump does recognize competence, because he dimly understands that his stature diminishes according to its proximity. That’s a lot of why he’s choosing such awful people for every position of responsibility. He’s such a profound egomaniac and reality-show star that he’s optimizing the top level of American Government according to just one or two criteria: 1. will they outshine me, or make me look really great? 2. will they do my bidding, including unlawful demands. That’s it. He has no idea that something as complicated as the system he’s disrupting requires actual leadership, which - ha actually doesn’t know what that is. He’s just a reality show star, still.
Thank you! I have been going nuts as to why no one is getting the info out there about her cult and ties to its truly weird leader. Whom she apparently obeys? Heeds? Hard to know, but seems like a serious Intel red flag.
Great article, well done!
Dear GOP:
Vote for Tulsi Gabbard, the Trojan Horse nominee!
Susan Collins says she’s a yes on Tulsi’s confirmation vote.
It must be hard to be as gullible as Susan Collins claims to be.
Is it true that Collins was the last person in the US to get a lobotomy?
Dear god…she’s outdoing herself in foolishness here.
Is there anyone posting here at the Hive who is a constituent of Susan Collins? They need to send her the article ASAP. Or better, find some source with the same info that’s not from a liberal site and send that instead.
In spite of everything, it looks like Gabbard is going to be confirmed as DNI. What about her support for Putin? Could that maybe be a problem?