Why Former Followers Of Her Guru Fear Tulsi Gabbard As Director Of National Intelligence

Originally published at: Why Former Followers Of Her Guru Fear Tulsi Gabbard As Director Of National Intelligence - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Tulsi Gabbard’s ties to Chris Butler, a controversial spiritual leader with extreme views and a history of allegedly mistreating his flock, have made headlines throughout her political career. And, after Donald Trump nominated her to serve as his director of national intelligence, one of the top Cabinet posts leading the national security apparatus, some fear…

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Just another utterly unqualified nominee who has the added Trumpian advantage of being batshit effing crazy. Who else would we want for Director of National Intelligence?


So this time it’s not Christian nationalism but Butler nationalism.


Her cult explains absolutely everything about her.


What the fuck is it with these people? It feels like once people are far enough removed from the daily need to make ends meet they get really fucking bizarre, as if they’re bored out of their minds and they gravitate toward complete bullshit.

They slip from the world of the living into fantasyland.

I mean, a guru? A fucking guru?
Not to be outdone by Nancy Reagan’s astrology
Or Musk’s microdosing
Or Tom Cruise’s Scientology

It’s as if human beings reach a point where they start to think of themselves as beyond mere mortals, that they’re in on things thhe rest of the unwashed couldn’t possibly comprehend. Very sketchy shit


Tulsi was raised in this cult and left incredibly damaged.


“We were never allowed to say we were Hindus”

Because Butler believes everyone else is wrong. His “eternal spirit” is his alone. Your spirit is false.


The name “Tulsi Gabbard” and the word “Intelligence” should not be used in the same sentence. Just sayin’…


Butler sounds like a Jim Jones type. Someday he’ll pass around the kool-aid, and then what?


“Followers of her guru” = Cult. Just say it. They eat his toenails. Really.


“Only the best people”…that was always a lie. Now, it’s a horror story. Gabbard, Patel, RFK Jr., I expect the weak-kneed GOP majority in the Senate to confirm all of them. We are so fucked.


It amazes me that after such a long line of Cult “leaders” who have gathered in gullible, incurious followers who are pretty obviously looking for someone to do their thinking for them there are still so many who are willing to believe in these charlatans. From Father Coglin to Jim Bakker Americans have fallen for the con.
Gabbard is just another in the sub-par bunch that Trump has chosen to run the government. Trump would not recognize talent, competence or for that matter Integrity if it bit him in the ass. The world is laughing at us…when they are not horrified at what a dangerous turn this country has taken.


And that is because Trump is incompetent. He fears being seen as incompetent. Integrity has a court order against DonOLD. Talent is in the eye of the beholder. So in Trump’s case his talent is to smash things.


I wonder how the Christian nationalists, who believe there should be no separation between church and state, feel about this. My guess is that they’d want her deported. Maybe Modi would take her.


Isn’t that the basis for most organized “religions”?


She was born into the con. Lots of people of other religions are too. Tribalism sucks, but it’s largely who we are.


So who is this “god” she’s so devoted to? Given their history, an obvious choice would be Krishna or another Hindu deity, but they are Hindu gods and Butler insists they aren’t Hindus, so not Krishna or any other Hindu deity. It is unlikely to be YHWH, Jesus/God or Allah. Many currently practiced religions are based on a philosophy, not a god, so they’re out. This god doesn’t appear to be from one of the groups recreating ancient religions like new age Druids and various pagan revival movements.

So this is the god Gabbard feels godly about? If not he, then who? (eww, toenails)


If you think Butler’s devotees eating his toenails is bad, it’s nothing compared to the load of shit Assad fed Gabbard.

Fun Fact: Neither of those items are sold in the cult’s health food stores.


It wasn’t Kool-Aid. It was Flavor Aid. Flavor Aid, Flavor Aid, Flavor Aid.
Grape flavored, to be precise.


True, but on the other hand qualified competent individuals will not recognize Trump or work for his administration.