In a scandal whose reach is getting wider and wider, the role that a top White House lawyer played in the events surrounding President Trump’s Ukraine pressure campaign stands to be a key focus of the impeachment investigation.
His former NSC colleagues told Politico said he was “extremely paranoid” and “incredibly conscious of trying to restrict conversations to only those that he really, really, really felt needed to know.”
I guess his name keeps coming up because of his efforts to cover the conversation with a protective cloak of secrecy that would go up and over the conversation so no one would know about it outside a small circle, and his efforts to make that covering go up and over effectively were covered by the media so now everyone found out what was up, blowing his cover, just blowing his cover right up, blowing that cover up. So to speak. That’s why his name keeps coming up in the coverage.
Bozhe moi! Being a lawyer in Drump’s orbit is really akin to wearing a red shirt on Star Trek. To boldly go legally and constitutionally where no President has gone before and to suffer guaranteed career suicide and the real possibility of disbarment and/or imprisonment as a result of your service.
Nice. We talk about Trump’s lack of self-awareness, but more and more the whole pack acts as if somehow millions and billions can’t see for ourselves what they’re doing. They lack an awareness of us, is the thing.
I think yesterday’s avalanche of headlines will not be matched until the house votes for impeachment…granted I can hear donnie saying “Hold my burger.”
yeah that’s a good game to play - name what could be worse.
I’ll go.
“Leaked information from sworn depositions taken on capitol hill tie tRump directly to Putin, including eye witness accounts of the pReshitident saying ‘if I don’t deliver Ukraine to Putin I can’t win in 2020.’”
I have long predicted that at some point he will just say everything is true, and claim that Russia is our best ally and hope, and that he did what he did out of patriotism.
That day could be… yesterday in tapes leaked today.
Eisenberg’s noted paranoia would explain one aspect of the alternate universe the tRump administration inhabits. Mulvaney’s admission of guilt in which he literally defined “quid pro quo” followed by his denial cranks the bizarre reality and its new admit-deny ritual up a notch. The two incidents lead me to the questions – how bold will the next admission be? What will administration officials not attempt to normalize?
I have a really difficult time thinking that all of this is a Donald Trump strategy… none of it. He may be a great snake oil salesman and a terrific on stage performer, but he is just not that smart. This is probably being orchestrated by the Putin regime (possibly through the back channel communications link that ‘boy wonder’ Jared Kushner was setting up with Russia during Trumps campaign). I have always had a feeling that Mr. Parscale’s digital ‘guruness’ went FAR beyond his web site development skills… maybe to the point that he has developed a back channel between Trump and Putin. Donald is (dangerously) smart, and an opportunist… but NOT a strategist.