White Woman Charged With Filing False Police Report After Calling 911 On Black Bird-Watcher | Talking Points Memo

NEW YORK (AP) — A white woman who called the police during a videotaped dispute with a Black man over walking her dog without a leash in Central Park was charged Monday with filing a false police report.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1318922

Seems more like a hate crime to me, but being white does apparently have its privilege.


So start charging everyone else.


The only real question is why this took so damn long


Progress, I suppose. About time.


She’s not a Trumpanzee:


With that charge, she could face time in prison.

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Ah, another racist woman.

I love the mea culpas we get on these situations. “That thing I was taped doing spontaneously, at length, and in the most extreme way it could have been done does not represent who I really am as a person.”


She isn’t a Trumpanzee, and she probably doesn’t think she is racist. Like most of us, even us liberals, her belief in white privilege is deeply ingrained. Some seem to express their racism by a belief in the old notion of “white man’s burden.” I sometimes wonder if we are ever going to get over it. Baby steps. Right now let’s make sure black men can walk, drive and exist without fear of being murdered by the police.


Do you view the entire world in black and white? Or just this incident?

A lot of Democrats are racist. The PUMAs from 2008.

And sexist. The ones who voted for Trump in 2016.


She could have gotten the guy killed because he politely asked her to put her dog on its leash.


Personally, I don’t know if she is racist or not. I wouldn’t doubt she actually considers herself not to be. I think she tried to intimidate the guy filming her to leave her alone so she could keep on breaking the rule in peace. It backfired. He wasn’t intimidated. Maybe he knew the police in the area better than she did. Who knows? I just wish he would’ve spared us the drama of the tape and just shared and laughed about it with a few friends.Technically, she was in the wrong and he was in the right. But the dog could do just as much damage with a leash on if the owner didn’t give a shit.
Obviously, she didn’t give a shit.

This may be a technicality but, she didn’t file an official police report, did she? I know she called the cops with a complaint, but is that the same as filing a police report?

And the rescue that she got the dog from took the dog back.
What she did was use her entitlement to put a black man in his place, which could have been dangerous to him.
This wasn’t an incident where she said one stupid thing, she acted on her stupid comment and called 911.


The worse part is that it would have been so easy to say… “Oh I’m so sorry, but my dog just broke loose” and put the leash on, and go elsewhere and turn the dog loose again… that is what I do, unlikely that they believe me but at least I still have my job :slight_smile:

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Amy Cooper was fired from her job and released an apology through a public relations service

A lot easier than being murdered in a choke hold.


“I am well aware of the pain that misassumptions and insensitive statements about race cause and would never have imagined that I would be involved in the type of incident that occurred with Chris.”

Wow, I forgot how crappy (even with the help of a PR service) her “apology” was.


And then they returned the dog to her.