The White House said President Donald Trump warned Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov against election meddling on Tuesday during their meeting, which was closed off to the press.
“Trump warned Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov against election meddling on Tuesday during their meeting, which was closed off to the press.”
lol pretty sad headline compared to the speech standing next to putin agreeing that russia did nothing wrong and he believed putin over the intelligence agency.
So this gives this warning the, BULLSHiT AWARD
cheers for the country’s bestest bullshIt artist.
I’m so sick of these Russkies. This is how you deal with Putin, Donnie Dumbshit.
This is when we were respected by our all of our allies and intimidated if not feared by our enemies. Oh, how he’s fucked up everything thoroughly and in such a short period of time.