White House Says Trump Warned Russian Minister Against Election Meddling

changed my mind.
white house says:
did trump know he was going to say it or did he learn he said it when he got back to the tv?
I’m going with the later for obvious reasons.

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Trump “warned against any Russian attempts to interfere in United States elections”

How do you say, да правильно. Когда ад замерзнет, in Russian? Since this is the exact opposite of what Trump has been saying for 3+ years. Do people really believe this shite?

Ukraine Zelensky is now saying, WTF!?

Edit: buried in he news today/yesrterday was the Ukraine summit with Zelensky, Putin, Macron, Merkel for the 21st ceasefire… and not much else. No USA representatives. Russian FM comes to WH to debrief Trump on summit, among other topics (and FM denies discussion included Russian election meddling post WH meeting).

Note our allies, Ukraine, France, Germany are not invited to WH to debrief Pres.
Only our antagonist, Russia is allowed to debrief Trump.

Up is down, black is white.


Trump warned Lavrov against russkie meddling in the 2020 because it would interfere with Hillary’s plans to use the Comet Pizza Kyiv server and the Ukrainian government to turn the election against Buttigieg and to him again.

If both the Ukrainians and the russkies at 55 Ulitsa Savushkina, St. Petersburg were flipping votes on the same night, they might fuck it up.


During Putin summit with Zelensky, Zavrov visits White House. MSM wonders "irony?’. Putin tells Zelensky, “My man is having tea with Trump as we speak. You were not invited. You are alone against me. Give up Crimea now.”


Oh, horseshit

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Yeah, right. Trump smirked and wagged his stubby tiny finger whille telling Lavrov, “Don’t you dare meddle in this election to help Democrats.”



Trump: Stop. Don’t do it. I won’t have it I tell you. Ivanka made me say that.

Lavrov: Kids. What are you going to do.

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The Russians have perfected puppetry as an art. The strings controlling Trump, coming from Lavrov’s hands, are invisible!



Trumps policy: “If you wanna be 'em, join 'em.”

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Hey Sergei-which came pro, the quid or the quo?

This ain’t their first rodeo.

Why would Trump bring up election meddling with the Russian Foreign Minister, when everyone knows it was Ukraine that meddled in the 2016 election to help Crooked Hillary? The Russia thing is a big hoax!


“Hi, Sergei!”
“Hello, Petrushka!”


Yes! My thought was the symbolism of watching over one’s shoulder, but trump thinks this guy has his back.

Were there any objective witnesses to this conversation?

I didn’t think so.

This was a meeting between two crime families.


The only reason for a physical visit from Lavrov is to avoid electronic interception of text or voice messages from Putin. So wtf is Lavrov doing inside the White House at the exact same moment the House is issuing articles of impeachment against Trump? This visit stinks to high heaven.


Who in hell does a thing like this? I mean really, who warns a foreign minister not to meddle in our elections? Is this a thing? Is this something that comes up all that often? And then he turns around and announces to the world that he’s had this conversation. This is junior high school level stuff.


Trump is definitely is not smarter than a 6th grader.


Oh, he warned them alright.

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