The White House has weighed in on a TPM report detailing extensive links between Wade Searle, the digital director for Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), and neo-Nazi leader Nick Fuentes. In a statement, Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates described the president’s…
“President Biden is adamant that we deny hate any safe harbor,” Bates said. “No elected leader should ever tolerate these disgusting and pathetic views. Bigotry, white supremacy, antisemitism, and violence are obscene and un-American.”
“The dangerous agenda this person chooses to associate with — including by promoting an extremist who openly praises Nazism and Hitler — could not be more opposed to the fundamental values of our nation,” Bates continued. “As Americans we need to stand up for the rights and dignity of all people, and against this repulsive, weak-minded poison.”
Now THAT is a strong statement. Thank you!! Even Gosar’s own family has been telling us he’s a damn nazi sympathizer!
Debt ceiling talks between the White House and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’a office have hit a snag, and negotiators have put a pause on the talks, multiple sources tell CNN.
Negotiators met briefly in the Capitol on Friday before breaking up, and as of right now, there are no more meetings scheduled for the day.
This setback dashes hopes that there could be a deal in principle by this weekend.
“We are not there,” GOP Rep. Garret Graves, who is leading negotiations for House Republicans, said on Friday. “We decided to press pause because it’s just not productive.” Asked if there would be meetings in person over the weekend, he said, “I’m not sure right now.”
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If there were no reason to vote for a goober there is even less now… if that is possible. I am not pleased with the democrats either at this point.
Mebbe they could do something productive and give Santos/Drevolder the Boot.
The White House is rowing against the tides on this one. In another decade being a Nazi, white supremacist, anti-Semite, avowed misogynist or any of a number of odious allegiances or affiliations will be no different than being vegan, or a Republican, or a Rotary Club member. All of them will be normalized. They inhabit spaces in society today that would have been unthinkable ten years ago. MTG calls into Alex Jones show and lavishes him with praise. Gosar has a Nazi on his staff. Elon Musk and dozens of other vilify a prominent, philanthropist Jew in Soros and go about their merry way in life, no worse for their bigotry. People need to wake up to the fact we’re a sick nation, and getting sicker. And it’s terminal. Stage 4. There isn’t a cure, nor are we ever getting to remission.
Praps the ex-pat community near Moscow in Russia that someone over there said would be constructed for right wingers and the various disaffected extremists would be helpful. Those with their very disagreeable tendencies could be airlifted to a new autocratic home they’d feel comfortable in. Those left behind may feel a lightning of mood due to fewer mass shootings and Seig Heil type posts in social media.
In regard to America’s current political situation, how did we get here?
“Wealthy elites weaponized White resentment to gain power and then used that power to enrich themselves at the expense of the very people who gave them that power all the time scapegoating minorities. Until the rise of Donald Trump it was possible to deny this with a straight face, but that is no longer true”. Paul Krugman.
The problem is NOT that Gosar or other elected officials have a person with these views on his staff. Rather, the problem Gosar and other elected officials hold these views themselves.
But even that is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is one of the two major Parties is willing to advance these views for political gain which they use for personal enrichment at the expense of the very people who gave them that power.
“To advance racism for political gain is to be a racist”, Harry Truman.
I remember people, particularly White men, saying about George W Bush he was someone they could have a beer with, reminded them of them.
The truth is most White men have much more in common with a gay Black Muslim woman than they ever had with George W Bush, Donald Trump or anyone currently leading today’s Republican Party.
I am a strong believer that if you choose not to vote, then you tacitly agree with the policies of the person who represents you. Gosar is obviously a Neo-Nazi and those who vote for Gosar are at least Neo-Nazi Curious®. Everyone who chooses not to vote in Gosar’s district is a Neo-Nazi by Proxie®. I’m going to give those of his constituents who vote against him a pass.