Whistleblower’s Testimony Increasingly Irrelevant

The whistleblower who touched off the powder keg of Ukraine scandal revelations and resulting impeachment inquiry has become increasingly irrelevant to the investigations, likely to his relief.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1258143

It’s been reported that there are 47 RepubliCONS in House Impeachment Committees…so yesterday’s reckless and dangerous to national security stunt was irresponsible and unethical.

That said, the Dems is right in protecting the identity of the WBs because we had the likes of Nunes (with his midnight run to the WH) and Burr (yes, the senator who appears to be working bi-partisan but actually was informing the WH per Mueller Report) who “INFORMS” the WH!


If the Republicans in Congress don’t have someone to insult, smear and generally ruin their lives, they have nothing. Donnie and Barr have shown that it doesn’t matter how irrelevant you MUST whine and snivel about AMERICAN citizens, corporations, government entities to deflect from the utter devastation these aholes are inflicting on this country.


Twitler of course is bitching about it in his pinned tweet:

Guess he can’t grasp the concept that when a person calls 9-1-1 to report that they just saw bank robbers run into a bank with guns, that person quite often doesn’t end up going to court to testify, because the prosecutors have all the evidence that they need already.

ETA: Some great responses to his post…


The Democrats are right to keep the whistleblower away from the Republics. Otherwise the Republican lynch mob that stormed the hearings earlier really would become a lynch mob. Once the Republicans know who, or even where, he is, he has the life expectancy of a snowball in hell.


Meh, those folks are well trained, save your concern for the MAGAts that would be on his tail.

Hmmmm… Maybe he should testify.


The whistleblower is not irrelevant.
He or she is an Ace in the Hole and the Rups know it.


I came here with a 9-1-1 analogy too. If someone calls to report a building on fire and the FD rolls out and sees billowing orange flames and smoke pouring out of the building, the report is valid no matter who called it in.


As if

The ongoing criminal enterprise, skullduggery and general incompetence has provided ample ammunition fo a full fledged impeachment


Trump’s modus operandi is attack, attack, attack. Trumpers will take up that mantle. So, the whistleblower is far from off the hook. S/he would do well to be working on a book, with the proceeds from an advance going to hire a round-the-clock security detail.


So let’s see - originally the GOP says the whistleblower is spouting heresay so he should be discounted. Once first hand accounts of Trumps impeachable actions are obtained, the whistleblower is fully relevant. What a bunch of twisted panty twits!


The “Black Suits” (formally Brown Shirts) were on the move and allowed Steve King to join them. Anyone allowing Steve King to join them is automatically disqualified to be taken seriously. Of course King was happy to do something besides sitting in his office twiddling his thumbs.


What took so long? Seriously, the idea of calling the whistleblower to testify at all was completely insane to start with. If the Intel Cmte had questions, they could be asked in writing. The IG had already established that the allegations were credible. So why even ask for testimony?


Isn’t this the same strategy that Newt used in the 90’s?
I know that I referenced this affinity of the Republicans to go Groundhog Day again and again at least 3 times this morning but…there seems to be nothing new in the Republican playbook.


The whistleblower did his job and served his country by making sure the abuse of power was reported to those who could and would do something about it. Since he does not have direct knowledge, he is now irrelevant — not to history, but to the inquiry. Congress now has witnesses with first-hand knowledge and substantial direct documentary evidence, and that is the evidence any prosecutor would rely upon.

The Trumpsters, however, will continue to focus on process and irrelevant distraction, because they cannot address the substance of the evidence. Just like with the Russia investigation, they want to focus on how it began rather than what the investigation establishes.

And Trump will never be able to let go of trying to find out who ratted him out so he can get revenge.


Even though the whistleblower is not irrelevant, his or presence in the hearing room is not necessary. The evidence that he or she provided has been investigated and confirmed, and additional evidence of wrongdoing has come out in the investigation.



Okay, thát’s funny.


This is even funnier. Watch Mitch get passed by for a handshake:

( Elijah pallbearer refuses to shake his hand)


Another important witness with first-hand knowledge on the way …


NSC official plans to testify in impeachment probe even if White House tries to block him

Tim Morrison, a National Security Council official who has been identified as a witness to one of the most explosive pieces of evidence unearthed by House impeachment investigators, plans to testify Thursday even if the White House attempts to block him.

“If subpoenaed, Mr. Morrison plans to appear for his deposition,” his attorney, Barbara Van Gelder, said.

Morrison would be the first currently serving White House official to testify. He’s also the first official believed to be on a July 25 phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during which Trump pressed his counterpart to investigate former vice president Joe Biden.

Morrison was also a crucial figure identified Tuesday by Trump’s ambassador to Ukraine, William Taylor, as a witness to Trump’s effort to withhold military aid from Ukraine in order to bend Zelensky to his will.