Whistleblower’s Testimony Increasingly Irrelevant

The Whistleblower has become irrelevant because as time has passed the allegations in the WB report have been verified by independent sources. That is exactly what is expected in any Whistleblower situation. There is no need to out the WB who is not a direct fact witness. The Whistleblower law worked just as the Congress intended.


Yep, even if in the end it turns out that caller hated Fire all along… his/her potential bias against fire would not play into the validity of the report.

Even if the caller exaggerated the concern there was arson although they only heard it might be arson and they investigate and confirm arson. Does any of that matter?

Never mind… I’m just using logic again. My mistake…:rofl:


More than expected… that is the desired outcome per the law and why we protect whistleblowers.


Trump and his allies are going after the whistleblower for the same reason that they are trying to discredit the start of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. They want to show that the entire process was started by what they will claim is a totally fabricated, entirely politically motivated, false report. And then they will assert that even if real misconduct was uncovered later, it was, in the legal phrase, “fruit of the poisoned tree.”

(This is the same tactic that criminals use to suppress the evidence needed to convict them … alleging that the initial search was illegal.)


Not if the caller has granite counter-tops.



So my hope is that as it becomes clearly evident that whisteblower #1 won’t be exposed, the next hundred or so whistleblower’s feel free to come forward. They’ll then pave the way for the next thousand or so whistleblower’s, and so on…

Lather, rinse, repeat…


Too bad laws are no longer followed by the Orange Mafia.

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Republicans are trying to do to the whistle blower what Preshitident Skanky Putin Whore, his daughter-wife/silicone stuffed vinyl doll Iwanker and the Trump Criminal Organization did to the the numerous women and the 13-year old he raped.

The best part was Schumer’s look.

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The WB is just another shiny object at this point, which is all the GOP has.

I just hope Schiff/Nancy et al have decent security. I have seen plenty of House members and a few Senators (such as Kerry pre Heinz) walking around alone.

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The whistleblower isn’t irrelevant to the impeachment proceedings, but at the point the proceedings are not dependent on the whistleblower.

Trump is going after the whistleblower to intimidate other witnesses, same reason he stole McCabe’s retirement from him.

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It is if he didn’t call from his kitchen; in my example he did not.

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That strut pic of Schiff steppin’ in this article is a portrait of a man who is getting answers from a whole lot of people.

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