Where Republicans Are Set To Gain The Most In The Great GOP Gerrymander Of 2021

TMZ occasionally puts out a piece of actual news. Maybe some will leak over to Faux.


It seems that Dems are written to in two ways: Gloom and gloom…and, in a way, I can understand why.

Overconfidence in 2016

However, the better way would be to avoid both, and focus on being aggressively positive.


Precisely. Can we please hold off on the obituaries until, oh I don’t know, there is actually an election on the near horizon?

Democrats have an unparalleled opportunity to nationalize a midterm election like never before, and the Trumpist party is writing the ads with every stance they take and each action they implement.

If folks want to make a difference, start organizing and providing funding for the Democratic hopefuls and the party now for the battle that lays ahead.


I’ve never really watched it but isn’t it a gossip program? That’s why I thought it was part of FOX.


Happened to me too!


Very depressing. Haven’t felt good in weeks, so I am easily made gloomy.


Hmmmm. I think the culprit might be the blow.


It pays to buy off Boris Manchin and Natasha Simena.


This doom and gloom over gerrymandering is a bit over the top if you ask me. Republicans certainly have the ability to draw themselves favourable maps, but the problem is, their prevailing assumptions for doing so have taken a massive hit.

Suburban votes and especially suburban women used to be a key component to adding electoral weight to a larger red area to enable a likely Republican district. But a funny thing happened in 2018 and 2020: suburban women shifted blue quite dramatically.

Part of the reason is that the suburbs are gaining colour and no longer the homogeneous white enclaves they were 20 years ago. But another reason is the shift of white suburban women voters, often educated high income earners, are abandoning the Republican Party and its resurgent embrace of misogyny.

Another factor to consider is that the huge increase in turnout in 2020 was, on one side, driven by support for Trump while on the other side, driven by opposition to the fuckwad.

We have no compelling evidence that those excess Trump supporters will come out with him not on the ballot. In fact, both 2018 and the GA senatorial run-off heavily suggest such turnout will not materialize without the orange shit-stain on the ballot.

As for Democratic supporters, there are more reasons to be confident that they will defy historical trends and be sufficiently motivated to vote in the midterms. The Tax Credit extension into “permanence” is a healthy carrot to place in the forefront and a move towards more progressive taxation policies are another issue that can solidify the suburban coalition. Which is precisely why the infrastructure bill will not be threatened by Manchin once the cows come home.

No, Republican gerrymandering faces serious difficulties in that the rural decline was much more significant than conventional wisdom predicted and the vote negation that previously characterized the suburban vote has seemingly disappeared; replaced by a trend to blue powered mostly by suburban women.

For Republicans, the gerrymandering game has become fraught with questions. Namely:

1- how can they safely redraw districts when the rural population has dwindled and the suburban vote has turned to blue?
2- how motivated are rural voters without Trump?
3- where will the suburbs soon expand?
4- how does gerrymandering weaken their ability to win statewide races by forcing our office holders to stick to extreme positions in public debate to stoke turnout?
5- how can they win court seats when statewide appeal grows increasingly negative?
6- how many more unvaccinated Republicans are going to die this year?
7- beyond deaths, will rural areas continue to decline in population by almost 2% a year?

Add to this the increasing self-own that anti-vaccination and anti-mask brand the Republicans are increasingly embracing and you have a serious problem attracting voters who are no longer persuadable and simply view you as fucking crazy.

The gerrymandering doom sayers have a hell of a lot of confidence in Republicans being able to get a clear answer to the above questions. I submit that not only do they/will they not, they will be unable to reach a consensus amongst themselves how to draw the maps because half of the participants in those discussions will harbour zero trust in the other half.

We have only begun to witness the implosion of the Republican Party. It can and will only get worse (or maybe I should say better) from here.


Former Senator Al Franken (D-MN) told an interviewer, “I’m keeping my options open” when asked about the possibility of another run for political office. In a new interview ahead of his 15-city “The Only Former U.S. Senator Currently on Tour” stand-up comedy tour, the SNL alum confirmed that he still has a political action committee and did not rule out a return to politics, while at the same time saying that he is currently keeping his “focus” on comedy.

In rare public comments about his ouster from the Senate following several sexual harassment allegations, Franken explained, “I wanted due process, but I had 36 colleagues and a majority leader who wouldn’t give it to me, so it was impossible.”


This makes me sick. They can’t win without cheating so they go all out on cheating EVERYWHERE. Gerrymandering, screaming in a crowded theater, pretending there is fraud and attacking our Capitol.


I agree. I’m tired of knee-jerk pessimism.


“To put it simply: Republicans can almost certainly win the House in 2022 based on redistricting alone.”

That’s the crux of it. Game over.
There’s really no reason to come to this site or any others. It’s done.
The hope engendered by Biden’s win was a mirage.
It was the temporary remission of the cancer before it comes back with a vengeance.

Luckily, I’m 69 years old, so I won’t have to put up with the shit much longer.

I’m out of here/

May I add that Republicans are too clever by half? The hapless Wiley Coyote always comes to mind; scheming and scheming before being flattened by his own anvil. For a very recent example, see the CA recall. It isn’t over, but Newsom is predicted to win by a big margin (nock wood). It’s a mystery to me why the repugs ran a far right reactionary in the bluest state in the land, but they thought that it was a good idea, along with TFGs endorsement.


I will point out that the hope that Biden would win was realized. Would you rather Trump had won? There would be no “remission” as you put it. Be grateful for the moment you live in. With one foot in the past and one in the future, you are pissing on today.


Pretty much, I think. Gossip and paparazzi. I haven’t watched it either but occasionally it pops up in my iPhone newsfeed.

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I might have heard that, a time or two.

Some way, or how the GQP will declare that those of us that are against a forced ride on their crazy train is because we gave consent by not unchecking some damn box.

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(Inserts another quarter)

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