This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It was originally published at The Conversation.
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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It was originally published at The Conversation.
Wow! Terrific piece, beautifully written. What a creative team effort! I learned a few things, not easy.
Yes, the future is scary (and my feelings of guilt and rage watching this horror unfold are real and as oppressive as the heat). But I am energized and encouraged by strong souls like these scientists who search for understanding.
Perhaps some of us will rise to the occasion. Odd species, us.
I am grateful to those people who kept this sample frozen and viable for research today, and those doing the analyses today.
Takk skal du ha! As the vikings would say.
Phenomenal piece. More of this TPM!
I wonder which Danish curse was written on the note taped to the samples in the freezer?
The Bottom Line is Above Us
Carbon dioxide traps heat, warming the planet. Too much of it in the atmosphere raises the global temperature, as the world is seeing now.
Excellent article
With all the needless, non-productive conflict introduced to our politics, one would think that this would be enough to galvanize us to save ourselves.
Biden may well have to call on us as responsible citizens.
Yes. But now the lesson Nature will teach our Stone Age brains will be maximally impressive due to the lying anti science conspiracy.
This has been known, and results predicted since the mid-1890s.
It is soooooo depressing. I weep for my kids and grand kids as i get close to that last train to the coast. I’ve got one foot on the platform.
And the Barbarians are at the gate with the help of enablers like Maureen Dowd.
I like to think that most Danes would want to note:
Please take good care of our Mother Earth. Here is a rememberance from long times ago.
CO2 traps heat, more CO2 traps more heat, more heat melts more ice and causes crop failure, fires, floods and famine as well as disease and ultimately, extinction as species struggle to adapt.
This piece doesn’t even mention what’s already happened to our oceans and marine life and it doesn’t mention all the micro plastics, over fishing or overpopulation of the human species.
There are no viable mechanisms for removing CO2 from the atmosphere on a scale that would make any difference in the amount of time we have left.
Climate Change is a POLITICAL PROBLEM! Republicans will not cooperate, neither will China or Russia. We must cut our emissions IN HALF this decade and continue to draw down CO2, replant forests, restore our wetlands and reduce our numbers to something that’s manageable and sustainable. And, we’re completely out of time!
I was thinking more along the lines of “mess with this and the Valkyries will use your bones to make their mead”.
What I learned from Covid is people are prone to ignore warned dangers until it is too late to deal with them effectively. That is what is going on with global warming. People know about global warming and what is going to happen, but they refuse to do anything deliberate to change the outcome. I am not sure our species is smart enough to survive.
We’ve done all we could, good luck to the kids!
The dinosaurs were a raging success by comparison. Who knew that having a brain the size of a walnut would be such a tremendous advantage.
Ocean temperature anomalies around Italy