When Greenland Was Green: Ancient Soil From Beneath A Mile Of Ice Offers Warnings For The Future

Oh, yes! Mess along with this earth we gave you to prosper in and we’ll turn you into dust. But I sure don’t want to drink mead from your scummy bones… Mead from any bees that are left, before they are gone along with us…


Perhaps we are smart enough but not sufficiently wise, good, or disciplined.


Whales and dolphins have large brains but never got into trouble. We seem to be good at selfishness, even admiring the trait in autocratic bullies, and very poor at imagining the consequences of selfishness.


“Mead from any bees”
This is why Moslems can drink mead. It’s not fermented from a grain or fruit.


It will take more than stopping carbon emissions, because the warming already underway will continue to release massive quantities of CO2 that have been stored in the once-frozen tundra, underwater in clathrates, and of course, the increasingly frequent forest fires.

It’s going to be a rough next 100 years (and beyond). It will take a lot of luck for human society to even survive. Given the Republican-dominated Congress, I would not bet on it.


They don’t have hands.


I thought it was more about the drunkenness. Is drinking blood haram for Muslims?

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I know of no sect of Islam that drinks blood. Catholicism on the other hand, allows for the drinking of blood after it has been transubstantiated from grape juice.
Islam’s only prohibition of alcohol (an Arabic word) specifically, in the Koran, applies to alcohol derived from the fermentation of grain or fruit. No mention of a prohibition from intoxication that I’m aware of.


Um methane clathrates are entrapped methane molecules. The clathrate gun hypothesis for example posits a massive methane release. Recent study suggests the bigger problem is feeding the methanotrophs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methanotroph. While we don’t seem to care much about protecting the atmosphere, it doesn’t come close to our abuse of the seas. David Packard, a founder of HP, funded cameras to study what was happening on the sea bottom off the continental shelf of California as well as the life in the Monterey Canyon.

The term “desertification” has been described to explain the vanishing of seabottom wildlife. And in just a half century!


I have lived in my current house in Mesa AZ for 20 years. This July so far we have had official temperatures above 110 degrees ever single day and are projected to continue that for at least another 4 or 5 days. My landscape, carefully cultivated for 20 years with plants that are in strategic spots where they only get partial sun all day or full sun only part of the day, is burning up right in front of my eyes. Most of this is due not only to the unbelievably hot temps during the day but the continuing hot temperatures through the night. with nighttime lows staying well above 90 degrees. Despite keeping the bird baths full of water, I have been finding dead birds in my yard at a rate I have never seen before.

This July has been like a little vision of the hell that is coming our way. If everyone I loved didn’t live here I would be making plans to move northward. When I moved here in 1970, Phoenix metro population was around 970,000. We just recently surpassed 5 million and we remain one of the fastest growing areas in the country.

It is hard not to think that Phoenix will be a ghost town in 20-30 years. As our legislature works overtime to battle any efforts at climate change amelioration and continues to cement their minority rule into permanent control, there is little here that can realistically be done, even with a Democratic governor. We are cooking in our own greed and unchecked, uncontrolled and unplanned expansion.


If I remember correctly, Camp Century was intended to be a secret attempt to hide missile silos in the arctic but ice sheets moved and shifted too much. They kept it secret even from their Danish landlords.


I’m pretty sure drinking blood is not halal (allowed.) I do think intoxication is addressed in the Quran:


The laws about alcohol seem to be changing. There are Muslims who drink non-alcohol beer, which is still brewed using grains, hops, water and yeast. Of course, there are Muslims who also violate religious laws, too. Just like any other religion. I was just curious.

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Defining optimal CO2 levels is not that hard thanks to the historical record, about 300 ppm or a bit below would be good. Things go from bad to worse at about 350 ppm, and total shit at about 400. Mauna Loa had us at 423 last month! That number strangely is not concerning to most people.



Dead elkhorn coral at Sombrero Reef in the Florida Keys. The white areas are bleached coral, the brownish orange patches are “tissue slough”, coral tissue that has died before it has a chance to bleach © CRF


That’s true.

It’s nearly impossible to generalize because, just like Judaism and Christanity, there are sects that are extremely conservative and others that are quite liberal.


One thing I just read today on the Arctic Sea Ice Blog concerned how the Tonga volcano spewed a butt ton of water vapor into the upper atmosphere. Water vapor is also a potent greenhouse gas though it only last a few years.
This might have something to do with both the extreme heat and extreme rain events?


The heat that’s already in the ocean is what’s causing record temperatures right now. A volcano adds noise to the signal but it has a temporary effect on global temps. We were always going to see all that heat come back out of the oceans eventually, and we knew it would likely happen during a future El Niño event. This was predicted to happen over a decade ago if not longer, we just weren’t exactly sure when it would occur.

The atmosphere holds 7% more moisture with every 1C rise in temperature, which would explain why we’re seeing more flooding events, though the volcano probably didn’t help much. Removing aerosols from the atmosphere has also intensified the heating effect.

That’s my 2 cents worth.

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That’s also why they can’t make pancakes.

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