What Viktor Orbán Brings to Mar-a-Lago

Originally published at: What Viktor Orbán Brings to Mar-a-Lago - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán is set to meet with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday evening, sidestepping the White House after a week of travel to Ukraine, Russia, China, and Azerbaijan. Orbán himself framed the trip in grandiose terms, saying that it was a peace mission while comparing himself at one point to the French…

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Nice side-by-side today. Joe with Zelensky and Europe’s democracies while trump shows Orban his remaining stash of classified docs and discusses their love of Putin like two girls at a sleepover dreaming about the football captain.


There is still time to prevent this stuff from happening. If the democrats do the right thing.


I’m sure Viktor will be kind enough to bring a little new kompromat courtesy of Vlad along with a helpful reminder that there will be consequences should he fall out of line.

BTW El Mierda de Cerebro Gigante meeting with Orbán is another violation of the Hatch Act.


Wonder if they gloated about their golden showers. Just sayin’.


And what are Putin’s instructions for Donald Trump this time? I assume the destruction of NATO and handover of Ukraine are on the list after the election, but anything before the elections? A classified document or two?


Welp, I had an erudite comment all planned but I don’t see what I could add other than to send a compliment and say…



Thank you Darr. :grimacing:


If any meeting needs to be bugged by the FBI/CIA, it’s this one.


Trump will accept anything that Putin wants. Orban is maybe looking for the Nobel Peace Prize. Good luck with that Victor. And since when should Trump have any say in this, he’s not POTUS.

Orbán himself framed the trip in grandiose terms, saying that it was a peace mission while comparing himself at one point to the French leader who brokered an end to Russia and Georgia’s 2008 war.


I would love to have the FBI capture Trump asking Orban to help him overthrow the US government and Orban, saying, “But, of course!”


Before the election a very long line of evil leaders will be making their way to Mar-A-Lago to worship Putin with this RNC memo: “If You Ain’t Russian You Ain’t Nothing”.


In the world of “Game of Thrones” Orban is a raven.

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Why? That statement could mean anything! :roll_eyes:



Since 1980, when candidate Reagan made a deal with Iranian leaders to delay the release of prisoners until after the presidential election.

Orban . . . calling Trump a “man of peace.”

Citing the lasting and eternal peace Trump negotiated in the Middle East.


Orban is an errand boy working for grocery clerks, delivering a bill. He is up to no good giving a figurative handjob to Trump.

Hungary is an unimportant (9 million people, smaller than NYC) and irrelevant place (economy smaller than Kansas). It should be shunned and kicked out of both NATO and the EuroZone for illiberal politics and corrupt economic policies respectively.


Our super SCOTUS would just adjudicate Trump’s request as “diplomacy.”

Nothing to see here folks; move along.


Y’know, like Ceaușescu. May his memory be a blessing …

Wrapped in a derelye.

It’s not the Magyars in Hungary that worry me.


So Orban is meeting with Trump openly to plan handing over Ukraine to Russia, and thereby handing Russia hugely increased leverage over our European allies, which will in turn be amplified by Trump’s open plans to weaken NATO. Orban is bragging about these plans to reporters. Meanwhile, crickets about this on the front page of the Post and the NYT, both of whose front pages are dominated with stories about Biden’s alleged unfitness for office.

We need a meta-media to report on the collapse and corruption of political reporting in our mainstream media. As good as it is, TPM can’t quite fit that bill.


Hungary is not part of the Eurozone. It is part of the EU. You could make an argument that one of the main reasons Orbán is still in power after 14 years of unchecked corruption is the fact that the EU sent tens of billions of euros to Hungary over this time, hence, despite Orbán and company stealing most of the money coming in, people’s lives have somewhat improved. Didn’t improve as much as the lives of Orbán’s oligarchs*, but improved enough that he continues to receive about 45% of the vote in every election, which is enough (thanks to gerrymandering the whole country and other changes to the election laws) to maintain absolute power.
*Orbán’s childhood friend and neighbor is the richest man in Hungary now, and his son-in-law and father are also among the richest. Most of the richest top 50 are part of Orbán’s entourage.