What To Expect In Tonight’s Debate: Biden Needs The Palmetto State | Talking Points Memo

At least they’re blue waves.

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Pan(der)handle Pete is in good form tonight


Hiram Revels!

(Yes, he does.)


They all sound nice at first. But trying to be adult in the room is well childish.


I guess some people find it fake. Which… okay. I mean those are very nice things to do regardless.

I have also thought maybe there could be some cultural disconnect. He talks a lot about love and sort of the radical notion of love. I think this may come across cheesy and weird? But from what I’ve seen from black preachers and activists, it seems in line with a certain theory of change and community resilience. This is me talking out of my butt tho.

I heard a great interview with him, maybe on Vox. He is a very interesting thinker. I plan on paying more attention to him. Tho I hate his soft handling of the financial sector.


The party and the press completely failed candidates like Gillibrand, Booker, Harris, and Castro. All four of them were pretty good candidates that should have lasted FAR longer than people like Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Biden. But nope, everyone had to rail about Gillibrand being vocal about Franken, Harris daring to challenge Biden, and ghosting Booker and Castro.

They should have lasted FAR longer, hell THEY should be on that debate stage. Instead, we have a complacent press trapped in 1992 despite the fact that the model was demolished in 2016, blown up in 2018, and now it’s being incinerated in 2020. And they wonder why Bernie is running away with delegates as it stands


Oh my god yes. A thousand times yes. When I first saw our lineup of candidates, I was so so proud to be a Democrat.

The olds should have stayed out. In another reality, siiiigh never mind I shouldn’t daydream.

But I also blame our voters. Why did “moderates” keep boosting Biden for sooo long? Why didn’t anyone give money to Booker and Kamala?


I miss Castro, Harris, and Booker. I’d gladly trade them in for the three soon-to-be 80 year old white men.


Same; I like Bernie fine, but the field winnowing for the sake of the Milquetoast Brigade is shameful. And they’re STILL trying to act like Bloomberg is a contender after he got wrecked by Warren. Their addiction to narratives is a serious issue


The Gillibrand Franken thing. You’ve touched a nerve for me! It makes me so upset. I saw a clip of Gill explaining white privilege to an angry white voter. And it was beautiful and perfect. She got really screwed.


What To Expect In Tonight’s Debate

Mayhem, if someone asks about this new poll?

If the moderates rallied to Warren, we would at least have Castro as veep…

A girl can dream.


Yeah, the fact that people (men) turned their noses up because she was vocal about Franken taking responsibility for his failures was disgusting. Because, of course, people demand the WOMAN take the heat for a MAN’s failings. Fuck Franken and his silence

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I guess I do too, though I think it might be that I really like Larry David.


At first I was cool on her, but when I watched her answer a woman’s question on white privilege, I warmed up some.


All hail the Transitivity Principle!


So I guess I don’t understand Bernie’s popularity with black people. He’s just said some really messed up stuff there. Notably, it’s the economic anxiety stupid. And that again baffling criticism of Obama’s performance in Mississippi, where he insisted it was his lack of effort rather than racism. I mean wot ???


I bet I don’t understand more things than you don’t understand.


I just Googled “Debate, February 25, 2020, time” to find the time of tonight’s debate broadcast.

And the first site listed was Mikey Fucking Bloomberg’s campaign. Thanks, Google.

I swear I’m beginning to think the Bolsheviks had a point with their summary treatment of plutocrats.


I think my favorite “responsible adult” moment was the discussion about fracking – both Klobuchar and Bloomberg spoke of fracking as some sort of “transitional” fuel – as if fracking isn’t just a new – and more environmentally dangerous – way to suck the same old oil/natural gas out of the earth. But there were Klobuchar and Bloomberg, acting as if new technologies to burn more fossil fuel aren’t adding to the problem…