Gary Hart (McGoverns campaign manager) on comparisons of Sanders to McGovern “I think these candidates are a lot more different than the same in these comparisons…it’s time for democrats to make their point and stop attacking each other. I see Sanders as closer to Kennedy in policy”
And maybe that’s the issue. It’s the framing of the policy that’s been Sanders’ waterloo. He can’t defend it without becoming hostile. Kennedy would never have done that - neither Jack nor Bobby.
Haven’t watched many speeches that Bobby made then?
Sanders is channeling the rising generation’s frustrations with the establishment. They have less than 20 years to get on track with carbon and so many other existential threats to our very survival.
I’m in. I’ll HELP them burn it to the frikkin ground if that’s what gives them control and the ability to work on a fix, even if means a hostile takeover of the Democratic Party.
We’ve brought this on with inaction, we deserve much worse.
Tonight is the most important debate of the entire primary…after Super Tuesday at least some of these people should have given up. Amy, Steyer, Pete, all have issues with money or support, and Amy and Pete are likely to hit a wall in SC, which will suck the air out of their campaigns. Steyer is really a non-factor, he’s getting traction in SC because he invested heavily (like Pete in IA and Sanders in NV); outside that he’s not getting anything. Bloomberg should not be up there, I expect him to get hammered again, especially by Warren who needs to keep hitting him to show that she doesn’t have an electability problem (and the fact that she does is really a sad statement). Joe can’t just be Joe…he was effective in the last debate because he basically only spoke at a moment where he could be passionate and came across well. If he has his normal shaky debate he’ll lose support.
The biggest target should be on Sanders, and rightfully so…he has never been vetted properly, had all of the oppo research thrown up for consideration, and never had his policies strongly challenged. He should get all of that tonight, it’s necessary to air it all and for the others to take it apart so the voters can decide if it’s important. The best debater on the stage, Warren, can’t do it in a way that shreds him like she did Bloomberg; she can do an analysis but she can’t attack. I expect Pete and Bloomberg to hit him, hard…how Sanders responds will really affect his campaign. If he responds in the way he did when bloomberg questioned his house ownership last time, it will be a very bad debate for Bernie…angry Bernie turns people off, and makes mistakes. He’s going to be in a very different environment tonight, if he gets out without blowing a gasket (literal or otherwise) he’ll be in good shape, but if the headlines are about a meltdown he will have trouble going forward.
It’s likely to be an amazing night of politics…how it all shakes out, and if it moves the needle, we won’t know for a week.
If that’s your attitude you will get much worse…four more years of Trump and the Republicans destroying the nation for their benefit, with a Republican Senate and maybe House to push it through. Want a hard right Supreme Court and half the judges as Trump appointees? Want the entire executive branch broken down? That’s the result if Bernie decides that destroying the Democratic party is the best way to win, because he will lose the support of far more people than he might get to vote (and note that new voters are not coming out for Bernie now).
Stupid stuff like this is how the Republicans get control over everything and wreck it all.
Not only did the Responsible Adults cause these problems and allow them to fester to the point of crisis, they have repeatedly refused to face up to what they’ve done and repeatedly refused to pay for things to be fixed.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, emiliano4; Sanders supporters are in the distinct minority on the TPM comments pages. They are far out numbered by the “OMG, we’re gonna die if Sanders is the nom!” crowd.
You know: the same crowd that said HRC was going to clean up because she’d appeal to both liberals and moderates.
This something like the 13th Presidential Election that I have been involved in and it is allways the same.
Someone looses, someone wins, and it isnt allways my guy.