What To Expect In Tonight’s Debate: Biden Needs The Palmetto State | Talking Points Memo

Someone alert Chris Matthews! CIRCLE THE WAGONS!


Bobby was one person before Jack was killed, and then he was another person after.

I loved him, more after.

If you did not hear his speeches, it’s really no big deal – but anyway, here’s one from a few weeks before your twelfth birthday:

Bobby was scheduled to make a campaign appearance in Indianapolis that night. He heard about Martin’s murder well before the story was announced on TV; and he decided that he wanted to break the news himself to the African-American community. Against the advice of city police who feared riots, against the advice of some members of his own team, he went into what was then called “the ghetto,” and there he spoke.

He spoke without a prepared speech. All he had, and you can see it in his hands, was a note he had scribbled for himself, just moments before getting up on that flatbed truck.

I loved him and I miss him.


Penthouse Forum was the best.
Speaking of that and elections, here’s a humorous contribution that’s politically themed:
( it’s pretty mild)


I expect this to begin with Warren ripping off Bloomberg’s arms before punching Steyer in the nards with them. She will then string both of the schmucks up from the ceiling and smack them until money bursts out.

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Huh. Gary Hart’s still alive.

Safe … for whom?

I have my problems with RFK, because he condoned and sanctioned the FBI’s harassment of MLK, among others. But his speech to a crowd in Indiapolis on the night of MLKs assassination was a thing of beauty.

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A few things:

  1. Pete continues to be unlikable at a level that would have tanked Warren’s campaign before she even announced.
  2. Hands-off Bernie as usual. Not sure how the other candidate think they can beat Trump if they are so seemingly afraid of pissing off the Bernie bros. The Berni bros got nothin’ on the Trumptards.
  3. Bloomberg shows even less charisma if that is even possible.
  4. I will continue to miss the pure absurdity, but magical energy, of Marianne Williamson.
  5. Will Bernie stroke out? He was as purple as an eggplant at the last debate.
  6. Chris Matthews will be Must See TV.

Definitely not Bobby.

This is gonna be one wild and crazy debate.

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I can still hear Chuck Schumer’s valiant call to the Suburban Housewives Of Middle America…


Safe…from whom

ETA: Looks like I’m already seeing some fighting words…:wink:


I’m guessing Pete is going to do some embarrassing Hail Mary shit.


Like the last debate or was that just standard grade-grubbing on his part?


He is going to say why cant we all just get along?

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And, of course, being Democrats we reward him for his craptastic political analysis by naming him as the minority leader.


Some people have noticed that Bloomberg’s ads seem to have plummeted in quality since Warren plucked out his eyes and fed them to a komodo dragon. My guess is his volunteers ain’t exactly hot on supporting him after seeing that embarrassing display. There’s only so much money can do to paper over lack of charisma and “likability”

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So we are looking at potentially unseating McConnell in KY, on the extremely hopeful side. Keeping the Alabama seat. Others like McSally we need to unseat. House seats in Florida we need to keep.

I am honestly curious how you think Sanders at the top of the ticket will affect these races in red states?

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The ads are OK. He’s certainly not.

It’s like he did Nazi that coming!

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