What Happened To Marie Yovanovitch? | Talking Points Memo

It’s one of the stranger subplots in what may turn out to be the defining story of President Trump’s tenure.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1252142
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I hope Ambassador Yovanovitch’s deposition is released quickly! The evisceration of the State Department is deeply disturbing and I am sure she’ll be able to train a bright light on it.

And if she wants to settle some scores, that will be fun.


“The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that,” Donald Trump told Volodymyr Zelensky in a July 25 call, according to a White House transcript released Wednesday.

Zelensky, who was elected in April 2019, echoed the US President’s sentiment, saying “I agree with you 100%.”

“She’s going to go through some things,” Trump added.

What the hell was that last comment?


This article is helpful.

*" . . . the Ukrainian government wanted her to ease up on pressing for investigations into corruption—and expected her to do so because they perceived Trump would care less about the issue— that they began a campaign against her . . . That campaign gained steam with the arrival on the scene of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani"


Ukraine is not where I expected the first major blow to hit Team Trump, but it’s looking to be a fatal one as it’s turning out to be a lot bigger and worse than it first looked like. Watergate was like that too, out of left field and unexpected, and initially seeming like a minor matter. Perhaps that’s how it always is.

To paraphrase Lennon, shit’s what happens when you’re busy making other plans.


Pifer, the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, described the State Department’s statement on Yovanovitch’s departure from Kyiv as “total bullshit.”

Pretty sure that’s gonna be the entire Wikipedia entry, for future generations, under “Trump Presidency”.


Hillary did her homework well before deciding who would Clinton him.


A clear indication of mal intent aforethought? He’s an investigator’s best weapon.


The earliest traces of a campaign to force Yovanovitch’s removal come in May 2018, when former Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo informing him that Yovanovitch had an “anti-Trump bias,” while demanding her removal.

In some circles, this is known as an “anti-crime bias.”


You have no personal direct evidence of Trump’s crimes, so that’s hearsay!

Or was that hairspray? With Trump it’s hard to tell.


Voters in Sessions’ district showed their bias in the last election by dumping Pete for a Democrat.


The original entry was “Bullshit,” but when some lingering MAGAts complained, the Guide sent an investigator to gather more data. Upon reviewing the data, the editors determined it should be updated to “Total Bullshit.”


Kinda like the update to “Mostly Harmless” in the Guide.


Sure looks like Lutsenko played Team Trump big time. Backtracking rapidly when it looks like he might have to provide actual evidence and Trump might not be permanent.


Sorry, OT, I am reading “The Fifth Risk” by Michael Lewis. Blurb on the book jacket is “What are the consequences if the people given control over our government have no idea how it works?”

Re calls congratulating T on his election, this stands out. “… Before any of these calls could be made, however, the president of Egypt called in to the switchboard at Trump Tower and somehow got the operator to put him straight through to Trump. “Trump was like…I love the Bangles! You know that song ‘Walk Like an Egyptian?” recalled one of his advisers on the scene.

The book is a must read. It is possible to both laugh and cry simultaneously. Very scary.


Ooooh, here it is again, Solomon being used as a pipeline for information, and a lot more closely aligned with the Trump wishes on Ukraine. There’s a story in there, how Solomon is always putting out things like the articles mentioned here…it looks like he’s become a key for them to put their propaganda on the ground. I wonder what else he has been up to, seems like an avenue to pursue @josh_kovensky.


Whatever Solomon is -a right wing propagandist, in my view - he’s not a reporter. The Hill should fire him if they want any shred of credibility.


The Hill has always leaned right, and Solomon fell right over.
He’s an odious little prick, and if there is a Dog, he’ll get his comeuppance sooner rather than later.


I am not surprised by the massive corruption in this administration, however today it has been overwhelming.


The Hill has none