What Happened To Marie Yovanovitch? | Talking Points Memo



Yeah, and this is just an appetizer sampler. The main course will be Trump’s tax returns and his conversations with Putin. Hopefully, it won’t be long in coming.


That is going to be a killer day.


Still doesn’t calculate that nobody’s cashed in on that. It’s not worth anything once the courts give it out, but right now it would be worth millions (ok, you’d have to live a life in exile, but for someone making maybe $50K/year, that’s not chump change for a change in lifestyle)


With Solomon presenting as a journalist, is there no recourse against him?


Have the book, not motivated to read it until now. Hitting nail on head.

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That’s Pete Sessions, not former AG Jeff Sessions. Or are you excited about Pete? I had never considered that possibility.

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Yep. Got rid of an anti-corruption annoyance by dangling what trump wanted, and then nothing once he’d gotten what he wanted. Meanwhile, since anti-corruption statements typically have to be approved, was Yovanovitch set up, or did she learn something that made it worthwhile for her to go off the reservation and limit her career? (She’s likely eligible for retirement or close to it, and it would be pretty clear that a woman who was not part of the cabal wasn’t going to get any good new assignments.)


The Era of Total Bullshit?


I’ve often wondered how people around the world react to him. I noticed that they greet him formally or informally with a bemused look on their faces. I imagine that anyone with a normal IQ and above knows at first meeting that he is just a bag of wind. His presidency is a “tale told by an idiot” about a totally unqualified incompetent man in a powerful position. So they play along, they humour him, flatter him, ignore his breeches of etiquette and lack of just plain good manners. They must also find him easy to manipulate. I’ll always remember him lurching ahead of the fragile Queen of England at one point when they where on a very short walk on the castle grounds. I can’t imagine what stupid things he must be saying at the same time. It will be relief when he is gone, out of power. I can stop cringing.


Trump’s abuse of hairspray may be the first, and most damning, of the impeachment articles.

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" Ukrainian government wanted her to ease up on pressing for investigations into corruption—and expected her to do so because they perceived Trump would care less about the issue "

More specifically, an anti-corruption bias!
Still not clear on why that’s bad …


Even if one could convince a court that he is no journalist or in any way deserving of being considered part of “the press”, he would still have free speech rights under 1A.

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John Solomon, the new Judith Miller … filthy fingerprints all over the place. I’d be ashamed to have him on my staff.


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It’s my impression that Miller did it for the access. Solomon does it because he’s part of Team R, not Team J.

I’m even less interested in Miller’s motives now than I was then … looking in that direction blunts focusing on that she did it. Period

True of course. I was wondering along the lines of foreign sources of election interference. It will be a follow-the-money issue but I doubt even Farenholt wants to take on another journalist. With Solomon leaving The Hill, things will just get murkier.

Q: " What Happened To Marie Yovanovitch?"

A: Hmm… She wasn’t a venal Trump toadie so . . .they dumped her?


Judith Miller? You mean the IDF/Shin Bet terrorist interrogator and Bush administration stenographer? Or Judith Miller, the American, NYT reporter? Wait!! She is the same person!? Get out!!

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