I thought that other cruise lines that did test runs with employees, employee’s family or friends, had outbreaks of COVID?
And the problem with having an outbreak on a cruise ship is that they don’t have an ICU, do they even have ventilators? And thus to get an COVID patient medical treatment will depend on the closest country. What kind of agreements would cruise companies have with those countries, and who looks to see if there is adequate facilities to treat foreigners who should have known better and stayed home?
Fallen in battle. I keep getting this picture that these people all believe they are at war with everyone that is Not Them. It is easy to imagine In all those little evangelical churches, they are told they are the chosen holy warriors and in war there are losses. They are preset with the mentality that casualties are expected and if those losses are on their side, it was an honorable sacrifice in holding the line. It is easy to look at the losses and flippantly toss thoughts and prayers to avoid guilt.
The other part of this is that Jordan was with people on 01/06. The House was in session, and don’t forget Jordan had interaction with Cheney.
It’s the phone calls and meetings after the election and before 01/06 that his staff can shed some light on after his phone records are subpoenaed.
That is also the answer to @psudawnc’s question about why he keeps doing these interviews. Free and constant exposure to impress his constituents and the broader MAGA world is a powerful drug. The problem he has created will become apparent when his “I don’t remember” response is directly contradicted by “Did you say XYZ on the teevee like we just saw you do on that tape?” (@kenga) Were you lying to your constituents then or are you lying to Congress now is a win-win for those of us who live outside the GOP bubble.
End game? Well since the far right & hard core conservatives are seeing that more & more they cannot reliably win in a democracy based game… they have set their sights on a different system. What they want is total control & and a system where those that they despise have no rights. The logic of the destruction seems oddly similar to a manipulative business takeover - reasonably healthy company gets its management & investor base infiltrated by some predatory “bad apples” … controversy & turmoil is brewed … various ill-advised choices are made …business falters… share price plummets … move is made to cease being a public company & the whole thing goes into a contrived (fraud laced) bankruptcy … gets taken private by the a-hole group of investors & scheming execs … and as a “distressed asset” for pennies on the dollar … the bulk of the shareholders, employees & retired folks get shafted …
… sure this sounds audacious … but this is the kind of stuff Trump’s done in business all his life - he “STEALS THINGS - HE IS A THIEF” … he does not believe that the game is over … what he is working at now would be the ultimate “shoot someone on 5th Avenue - right on front of the nation’s eyes” … Trump believes that he never loses - that he is always able to kick three touchdowns in the bottom of the nineth inning… and if he can’t - the other side was cheating … or ultimately he proclaims he has a better deal he has to focus on.
Right now the right is supporting devastation in all ways possible - to create the “distressed asset” situation - to create the opportunity for a cataclysmic (right-wing oriented) set of institutional changes.
These bastards are smack- dab in the middle of a heist (one that has gone badly) and they still are armed … so they aren’t going to lay down their weapons …but they may (almost certainly) do many really really stupid & destructive things.
This is one of the subjects I’m a broken record on, and it’s nothing personal, but really, there’s no sense analyzing the way today’s GOP figures say things and assuming they’re trying to mislead you while technically staying with the bounds of the truth. They stopped trying to do that long, long ago. You’re wasting your time thinking otherwise. They’re just straight-up lying. They’re just not fussy about it any more.
I don’t really care if Jim Jordan testifies - I want the people around trump in the White House on Jan 6 to testify. What was he doing all day? What was he telling people to do? I understand people kept trying to get Ivanka to go into the room where he was watching tv and talk some sense into him. Was she really doing this? What kind of push back did he give her.
I think this is a much more interesting line of inquiry - then whether or not Jordan spoke to trump on Jan 6. Though of course Jordan could discuss what happened at the Dec 21 (?) meeting and other phone calls with trump about trying to overturn results.
Jordan looks and sounds like one of those guys who has spent his entire life walking out of rooms where shortly thereafter someone said, “What an asshole!”
I think perhaps the point is not that Jordan spoke to Trump per se, but what Trump said. Jordan may in fact have nothing to hide himself, and a lot to hide as someone who has damaging goods on Trump. It won’t go over well with the base if Jordan spills and under oath, won’t he have to?
Meantime, I do not fully understand why Capitol police are killing themselves. I’m somewhat at a loss there.
Jordan will already have assisted in his own prosecution by loudly boasting far and wide about his ringside seat to Trump’s heroic last stand. Way too late for him to play coy now.
Yes - I can’t help but think that Jordan’s hardened self image makes him believe in his own infallibility - he was a Two Time NCAA Wrestling champion … to be objective & honest - he was a beast & had an incredible focus - and had to always believe that he would win every match. Some athletes can develop that mind set & yet still leave it in the gym … others have it imbeded in them and it oozes out of them 24/7 in everything they do … and they become relentless combative/ contentious assholes.
Jordan seems to be the latter.
Also - he was a brilliant wrestler … but regardless of his delusions of comprehensive infallibility… not as savvy of a politician … his aggressiveness can bite him in the ass.