What Did Donald Trump And Jim Jordan Talk About On Jan. 6? | Talking Points Memo

Sort of OT: Not only is the State of Florida asking for a change of venue for its suit against Norwegian, have a look at the argument it’s making against its requiring that all passengers be vaccinated:

But the state’s lawyers wrote in a document last week that other cruise lines met CDC requirements through an option known as conducting “simulated” voyages, which involve testing COVID-19 preparedness. The state alleged that Norwegian could have used that option but didn’t for competitive reasons.

“Norwegian’s case, therefore, is not about public health but rather about a business decision it has made in an apparent attempt to reduce costs and distinguish the company from its competitors, including by promising its passengers that it would be sailing with fully vaccinated ships (not even suggested by any CDC guidance),” the state’s attorneys wrote.


Ambition and stupidity is the PBJ of fascism.


He just didn’t have the time to practice his lines. By the time the committee asks him he will have them down.


That is a true Trump skill. He is able to identify and use people like Jordan and then toss them away without a second thought when they are no longer of use or became a liability.

I don’t think Trump is smart by any means, but he gets away with things because that part of a normal individual’s conscience that speaks up and says not to do something because it is wrong that prevents such actions in most of us is non-existent in his personality. He doesn’t feel remorse or doesn’t appear to be troubled by ethical concerns. It’s all about him. He is perfectly consistent.

You simply cannot use your or a normal individual’s experiences of how we navigate the real world with Trump - he has real issues and will never change or develop appropriate behavior. He broke the law and needs to suffer the consequences. I’m still amazed that so many Republican politicians and citizens continue to believe in such propaganda, but I think Paul Krugman said it well in yesterday’s NYT Opinion piece:


(also click on the “detergent wars” link - this is nothing new)


I look forward to more of that machine gun stutter when he is called as a witness by his peers.


O/T another one bites the dust
Fox News Reveals It Has Parted Ways With Andrew Napolitano (mediaite.com)


Charming insight on how the MAGA community is processing the suicides of Capitol Police officers:


Kelly SoRelle is general counsel for the Oath Keepers terrorist organization. Her “law” organization’s principles are stated as such:

1. We are inviting all people affected by the the USG on 1/6/21 to come together to protect the attendees from being affected for their political beliefs. The Establishment and Globalists are attempting to silence those who no longer believe that the government is working for the citizens of this country.

2. We are focusing on the military and any other large organizations that are attempting to mandate the Covid19 vaccine.


JiM jorDAN doesNT know LOTs of sTUFF yet LIBTARDs are PICKING on him. FREEDOM from THE TYRANNY OF THE LIBS!!!


That’s quite a hodge podge this morning. It’s hard to wrap my brain around the Memo. I think I’ll go have a zzzzz.


So true, Eustace.


Fux booted Napolitano for raping two men. Well, of course, because they’re men, and we can’t have that.
If it had been women, it would have taken ten to fifteen.


Will D’sousa do his podcast, with fake crying and funny faces telling his viewers that the officers faked their suicides and it is all scripted?


Team Trump (Trump minions) get a crash course in Bluster 101 (to add to the stuff they already do). Pay no attention to Gym’s.

Trust me: Gym does not wish to testify Under Oath.

I’ve got nothing to hide on that.


I don’t think, “I don’t remember.” is going to fly. Everyone remembers what happened that day, and you’re going to try and claim that you don’t recall the content of a conversation you had with the president during one of the darkest days in American history? Bullshit.

And I believe everyone on the committee will say so and challenge him on all of his conversations with TFG. Since none of them would qualify as privileged, I’m guessing he’ll be forced to answer or plead the 5th.


Unless Jordan is carefully coached, even a claim of not remembering could well fall under the lying to congress statute. He’s had enough conversations and interviews, made enough public statements about what he did that a sudden and highly specific loss of memory might not be credible. He also doesn’t appear to be good at thinking on his feet, so some kind of breakdown admission is also possible/likely.

Here’s hoping.


Thanks for posting this link. Lawfare has some really good thought pieces, from up-and-coming talented legal thinkers. I need to read it more often, and support them.


*** “I’ve got nothing to hide. I’ve got nothing to hide if they’re going to call us,” Jordan said in the same interview.**

The contortions and excuses he’ll offer up trying to square this declaration with his inevitable fight over the subpoena to appear will be entertaining.


Didn’t Nixon once say that very same thing?

The other thing people like Jordan love to to say is the free speech/privacy thing, and how it is “none of your beeswax,” as we used to say when we were children…


And he can’t even stand up to softball interviews from fox.


I’ve started to read (and support) Lawfare just recently. It’s another way to read and think about what the technical aspects are of current events and causes me (at least) to focus on what can and needs to be done and how it can occur and not what I’d like to get done (which serves my internal emotional need).

Off topic but another interesting article was posted a couple of weeks ago regarding 1st Amendment rights, etc.