What An Utterly Surreal Week In American Politics

Originally published at: What An Utterly Surreal Week In American Politics

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. A Seismic Jolt One week ago today the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in U.S. v. Trump, creating a monarchial presidency the likes of which the founders would have taken up arms against. The…

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I was hoping for a mention of Biden’s interview this morning on Morning Joe.

Oh, yeah… FRIST!!!



I was hoping for a mention of Biden’s interview this morning on Morning Joe.

Here you go!
[ETA: Actually not. Morning Memo, Morning Joe, Joe Biden, Morning Biden. Nothing on the MJ interview here either. Sorry for the confusion. Just a stand-alone post.]

Re Joe, the only real question is: will his candidacy last longer than a head of lettuce?

We are witnessing cowardice and denial amongst legions of Democrats, very much including leadership, regarding Biden’s mental state.

One important matter that goes under the radar is that there is an implicit denigration of “old age”: The acute problem with Biden is not that he is old per se, it is that he is exhibiting clear signs of an age-related illness. His aging now is not normal healthy aging: he is unwell in a way that many people older than him are not.

All talk of the “work” he needs to do to convince voters he is up to the task of defeating Trump (four more months, plus another “debate”), let alone functioning as president until January 2029, is just an exercise in cowardice and denial: he simply can not do it.

He will drop out. It is inevitable.

The sooner we get on with the new candidate the better, because each day that passes with Joe still the candidate is a gift to Trump.

One should be able to say all this without others trying to shout you down. But there is a lot of shouting down. Democrats can still speak their mind, but this juncture we are at reveals that you have to fight an aggressive onslaught if you have the temerity to question Biden’s candidacy.

This is in the face of Trumpism and its looming threat of fascism, implicitly abetted by pusillanimity on the part of the MSM in not sufficiently challenging and denouncing Trump and his cult of supporters.


And the Morning Memo link to the comments is still dead.


We haven’t reached critical mass, yet.


I do believe that the corrupted scotus and its enabling cult are soon to find out that we don’t bend over as easily as they think.

The Democratic campaign should focus on only two things. First, abortion rights. Second, the corrupted scotus attack on democracy and the urgent need for scotus reform.

It doesn’t matter who our candidate is, those are the issues we can win on. And I’m very encouraged by the rejection of the far right by England and France this past week.


Good read:


@castor_troy posted the following in the Hive this morning -


the reality is that at its core it aggrandizes power to the high court itself.



A new and exclusive gated D.C. community!


Intellectually Honest Conservatives



As as friend of mine noted just a short while ago:
“Only amazing tactical voting stopped France from having a fascist Government. The fascists are France’s biggest single party.”


It’s not very tickety boo around here is it?


(Donald J. Trump - The Daily Beast) took toTruth Social on Sunday night in an apparent bid to mock President Joe Biden’soutreach to the Islamic community.

The frontrunner in the 2024 presidential race didn’t say anything himself, he simply posted a screenshot of Biden’s message on X, which read: “Jill and I wish a Happy Islamic New Year to all families who celebrate. May the arrival of the 1446 Hijri New Year bring you love, peace, and prosperity.”

Many of Trump’s devout followers knew exactly what their hero was suggesting, responding to the message with disdain for Muslims. One claimed that Biden’s account must be run by “Hamas Interns,” while others posted their praise for the former president.


Fuck you Trump, get off my lawn before I wheeze on you!

20m ago10.07 EDT

The interview has now wrapped.

Besides insisting he will stay in the race and defending his policies, Joe Bidenspent significant time in the unscheduled phone call with MSNBC insulting Donald Trump.

“He makes George Wallace look like a patriot,” the president said in the final moments of the call.

He also laid into Trump for the many lies he told in their debate encounter: “He’s just a liar, and he hasn’t done a damn thing since the debate. He’s been riding around in the golf cart for 10 days down in Mar-a-Lago talking with his wealthy friends.”

“I beat him last time. I’ll beat him this time,” Biden said.

I’m going walking. I ain’t ‘fraid of no Trump.


I see the back door is the only way in this morning.

I have little to add to David’s post. In even semi-normal times, the Supreme Court would be the lead story. But law is complicated and easily obfuscated, and an fading president who should step down (I actually mailed a letter to the White House over the weekend, I was so pissed off at the Stephanopolous interview) is easy to grasp. And, honestly, pretty important.

I was heartened at what happened in France, even though it’ll be a political mess there for awhile. I hope the Democrats are taking notes on putting differences aside. They’ll need them.

And Mr. President, along the same lines, it’s not just about you.


I’m growing very intolerant of the Right’s Intolerance.


While you’re out, see if you can find some more Trumpbusters.


While I started the thread noting the lack of Morning Memoing about Joe’s interview this morning, I was actually pleased with the emphasis on the less-than-supremes. Seeing how quickly their machinations have dropped from the headlines is scary.


I’ve stopped checking that link and just gone to the Hive.

They don’t care; they aren’t going to fix it any time soon, if at all.

Move on.