What A Time To Remind Voters What Happens When Abortion Is Left To The States

Look, when paving the way for the highest court in the land to overturn the federal right to an abortion becomes your legacy and then completely backfires during every election in the wake of said overturning — you’re in a tough spot!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1485560


Comment not really needed…


Rachel Maddow makes the point at https://youtu.be/CUhB5c2I7To?si=B3YMmBmYKGxmSpEC&t=668 that Dobbs does not merely kill Roe v Wade, it creates a new standard that reduces the right to bodily autonomy in other contexts.


a 19th-century abortion ban that has been on the books in Arizona since before it even became a state

Legislatures all over the country – state and federal – are failing to keep up with the times.

DUMP OLD LAWS. We’ve put men on the moon.


She’s not the only one making this point. Papa Thomas made the point himself in the decision when he asked for more cases to go after contraception. Women of childbearing age are no more than property to these people.


Women have voted for over one hundred years.


Pretty sure women of any age are not worthy of many rights for such people.


Some say that was just a movie set ya know.

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This makes me so angry. My mom had no access to contraceptives. Eight unplanned pregnancies. I did have access to contraceptives and had one planned pregnancy. Never did I think that in my golden years that the country is going down the tubes, women are going to be treated as second class citizens, that there would be so many stupid people. My love of country faded away this century.


Memories of my Mom miscarrying in the 1960s…and if the Religious Right had its’ way then they would have arrested her???



Poor Donald.

I haven’t seen timing this bad since Abe Lincoln decided to wait for intermission to visit the snack bar.


What a condescending bunch of garbage. Since when does this middle-aged white man, know the hardships or dangers of traveling out of state for what should be basic medical care. Video at link below if you dare. It’s disgusting.

Simone: If you had to travel to another state to get an abortion, it’s not the worst thing in the world. Hopefully this is very rare occurrence in your life… Buying a bus ticket to go somewhere to get it is not the worst thing in the world.

Acyn (@Acyn): “Simone: If you had to travel to another state to get an abortion, it’s not the worst thing in the world. Hopefully this is very rare occurrence in your life… Buying a bus ticket to go somewhere to get it is not the worst thing in the world.” | nitter.poast.org


I often wonder how many born again Christians have had abortions and are now against them?
Since a number of born agains have tried to convert me and told stories of their pasts, drugs sex, booze and many other sins and how I could be saved.
My answer has always been you fucked around had a great time and for some reason you got scared .
You found out you could be saved if you said you were a sinner, paid some money, had some bread and wine you would be forgiven and be unleased on everyone he does not live your new life style.
Not one has ever had a answer.


THIS. Abortion is eclipsing (couldn’t resist) their ultimate goal to prohibit contraception. The Evangelical movement wants to return women to a subservient role and uncontrolled child-bearing is exactly the way to accomplish this. Although the obedient Stepford wives are reflexively signing on, this is really about white male domination of every aspect of life in the US. We should already be looking past abortion. No doubt many “pro-life” young women are not thinking of what their lives would be like without contraception. They need to be informed.


I bet Trump is thinking, “If only we had a national abortion ban in the 60s.”

Ugh, that picture! Did he succeed in poking out his own eyes. Geez, I hope so.

That’s not a man that knows how to truly cogitate on anything bigger than what’s for lunch.

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And then there’s the 1999 Donald tRump where he was so pro-choice, even as far as refusing to condemn partial-birth abortion. At least then he was a much better weathervane.


Is it okay if we keep the Constitution? It’s not really a law and I don’t want to give the MAGA/GOP the opportunity to participate in a new Constitutional convention.


Doh! …lol

But you get what I mean. Laws get put on the books and stay there forever, until some poor schmuck stumbles into one in an Arizona desert  ; - )