What A Profane Cheerleader’s Case Could Mean For Jan. 6 Insurrectionists

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1378743

If insurrectionists were trying to weasel out of jail time using the First Amendment, this new ruling suggests they should tap the breaks.

If I contribute to the TPM Journalism Fund will they fork out some of that money for editing??? Or at least a couple of English majors??

(Yes, I know, waste of keystrokes to hope for such a thing here…)


”What A Profane Cheerleader’s Case Could Mean For Jan. 6 Insurrectionists.”

I think “Profane Cheerleaders” played at the local drive-in when I was in high school.


“So far, as far as we know, no one is prosecuting the ex-President for anything.”

Trump walks. On everything. Always has, always will. No reason to believe his conduct or acts while in office will visit upon him responsibility for any crimes.


No, it’s a thing. You just have to be in the club to understand.



Oh, give me a brake!!!


Wow, expected to serve 5+ years in prison. And had to flip on co-conspirators to even get that.


Since it was X rated, I sneaked in by hiding in the trunk. The movie was nasty, nasty, nasty!


But those who crossed the line into true threats, trespass and violence will not have the First Amendment to absolve them.

Only until the Supreme Court fashions an exception for true patriots, bravely defending the country from the threat of Antifa, BLM and other far left fascists who hate us for our freedoms.




If I contribute to the TPM Journalism Fund will they fork out some of that money for editing???

I live in NYC and that’s what I do for a living.
Maybe I should apply for the job.
Doubt they would pay me as much as I’m making right now though.


Georgia might still nail him for election interference, and the Swalwell civil case for Jan. 6th hasn’t been thrown out yet. That’s about all I can think of, and I doubt the chances are good for a conviction.

He could still go down hard on financial crimes committed before he took office. That’s still our best hope, because it’s a more slam-dunk case if NY has the records. It doesn’t rely on a jury parsing Trump’s words.


“The outlier was Justice Thomas who thought that the school had a right to punish the student for her off-color, off-campus speech.”

So much for “small government” Clarence Thomas.


A cheerleader (probably really hot – Kavvie like!) is one thing. Yeah, give her a “brake”. Lame Duck Former Guy – still prez; he has an article two that says he can do anything he wants. If anybody manages to indict him, he’s also home free. Good American tourists, just out to visit their capital and confer with their elected officials? Well, isn’t that what America is all about? So they got a little excited? Well, if burning The American Flag is “protected speech”, then beating a policeman with said flag is, too.

A lawyer (or judge) can justify anything, by putting the appropriate words onto it. So I’m still worried.


I’m sure it would just be a part time deal, and you could write off your time as a charitable contribution. Well, assuming that one day, charitable contributions would be deductible again.

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this new ruling suggests they should tap the breaks.

Jesus fuck. I’m supposed to keep reading after that opener?


It’s probably a surveillance school initiation rite, where people listen in covertly on people playing pool…


Hasn’t Garland volunteered that he will defend the dotard’s incitement, have the DOJ once again protect the flaming asshat from prosecution because of his blanket immunity as POTUS. Gags me to write that Garland will take over from Barr as the dotard’s legal counsel because of some arcane rules that put the executive above the law.


I had to mull for a second or two, trying to figure out what it meant. Even afterwards, the metaphor wasn’t that impressive. Not that I want TPM writers to “reign in” colorful writing.


The GOP will call Vladimir “Those people had come with political demands” Putin as an expert witness.

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