What A Profane Cheerleader’s Case Could Mean For Jan. 6 Insurrectionists

I got in via my buddy’s car trunk.


They plan to do a sequel starring the GQP Senate.


The money they pay you with would be mis-spelled.


I’d love to see that for this guy and the other 500 or so they have identified to date.

Of course, I’d love to see more of a sentence if the leaders of this coup are actually found and charged.

When is Congress in session again? Maybe they should look there for the leaders…

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Brakes. I know I’m being pedantic, but damn it. It’s “brakes”.


I figure those indictments and subsequent charges will be dropped in five years or so.

Without first reading the comments, I just responded to the same issue. It drove me nuts when I saw it.


It will be dropped if NY can’t dig up the records and testimony sufficient to prove the case, but I don’t see any reason they would just let it go if they have the goods. Who would pressure them to do that? I can’t see Biden or Garland trying to step in, so who else is around to quash a valid investigation?

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Seriously – I actually quit reading and went straight to the comments after I saw that. Makes my teeth hurt when I see crap like that. Whatever happened to professionalism???


So if they have the goods, what’s the delay? If they don’t have the goods, then stop holding it out there like the Mueller report. I don’t have time for this wishy-washy stuff. Time’s a-wastin’ and the trials are going to be messy enough with Dems in charge - they won’t happen at all with the GQP idol worshippers in charge.

And before we go with yeah, but Watergate took n amount of time - how long have they had the goods on T****? It dates back to while he was POTUS when this investigation started. Granted, things were blocked off due to his role in government, but how much more time?

Reminds me of ‘The Agony and the Ecstacy’ - When will you make an end? When I’m finished.


Well, it was spelled correctly so probably the spellchecker didn’t catch it - depends on if they also have grammar check.

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Even the grammar checker wouldn’t catch this — “tap the breaks“ is grammatically correct (e.g., you might tap the breaks in a broken pane of glass to remove it from the frame). It‘s incorrect only because we know that the expression refers to the brakes of a vehicle. So it‘s like a junior high level or lower error. Which irritates the bejeezus out of me…


People have to learn how to rite better.


Journalism is careening out of control.

Why not tap the breaks?


When will this rain of t-errors end!?!


Hey, I’d love to see an indictment for money laundering and tax fraud handed down tomorrow. Without any inside info, all I can imagine for the delay is that first, they know it has to be an absolutely slam-dunk case with such a high profile target so they’re following every possible lead. And second, they’ve been trying to flip whatsisname the Trump Organization CFO and apparently it hasn’t happened yet. Tighten those thumbscrews!

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Weather oar knot it will have maid a difference, well never no.


Yup, its obvious that we kneed somewon to hellp us with r spel chequing…