But the Wuhan virus was a disproportionate retaliation by the Chinese in the great trade war.
Yes. But go bowling!!
“. . . with regards to the COVID-19 outbreak.” No, it’s “in regard to . . .” “With regards to” = “greetings to”
He’s turned into a "good’ person from their other side. Can’t have that.
Wait for the death toll to reach 58k which is the equivalent to the number of Americans killed in Vietnam. Call it the bone spur demarcation point.
Maybe what they really meant was tell Covid we said hi?
“Mask.” Geddit? Geddit?
And you never suspected Boris Karloff of being Russian Chinese, did you?
If you’re looking at (say) 1/3rd of the population getting infected, and a 3% fatality rate, that would mean 3 million dead.
And these deaths were mostly old people who were about to die anyway from something else.
Orange is the Old Hack.
Sadly I do not disagree, whether it is meant tongue in cheek or sardonically or in all earnest. Now “friends” of many years have shown their true intolerance and openly flown their racist views since Rump squatted in our White House. I have been gobsmacked, and now have far fewer friends. I am the better person for distancing myself from them, but how, I wonder almost daily, could I have not seen that over the last several years?
Also, Wilson was sexist, even for his time, and a huge racist - but at least he wore his thinning hair more naturally.
Remember too that the 60K estimate was for deaths prior to early August. One may need a cut-off date for a particular model, but it is insane that for purposes of counting total deaths from the pandemic that that date should be used. The thousands or tens of thousands of people who may die from a second outbreak in the fall simply don’t count? I’m not sure why this point is not made more often.
That’ll be Trump’s 2nd Viet Nam War. Recall how he bragged about avoiding STDs in NYC during the war.
The real issue is short-sightedness with regard to totals.
Pandemics historically hit in three waves. There will be a stronger, deadlier second wave (Labor Dayish through New Years). And the third wave next Spring 2021.
The numbers will become brain-numbing at some point.
Trump has sentenced the country to the worst possible outcome.
Yes … and where / how do you factor the -
Apparently unclear (or not stated) sensitivity/ specificity associated with these tests
Get with the program cervantes! If you have been listening to any of his press briefings, you would know that Trump has changed that year to 1917.
Too much stupidity and too many lies, not enough time.
Yea this isn’t surprising to anyone who has followed the Alt-Right and how much of it’s thinking has leaked into this administration and the GOP. Hell, the ‘photest’ this weekend where practically white nationalist gatherings with all the rebel flags. Trump today is trying to close ALL immigration to ‘protect us’ from “the Invisible Enemy.”
White nationalism doesn’t stop being white nationalism just because of a pandemic. Hell the Alt-right now is talking about how to weaponise climate change to save ‘white people’. The only astonishing thing here will be how much of the regular GOP will go along with it and how many dumb-ass liberals think we can still ‘work with these people’.