WH Yanks Surgeon General From Airwaves After Official Comments On COVID Race Disparity

I wonder how many Purple Dicks he can wear on his chest from that war.

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Or you could call it the Maganoit Line.


Exactly. He wants to purge the voting rolls by any means necessary.

If blue urban areas are being hit hard with high fatalities that is significant voter suppression.

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Not having watched most of his performances, I’m not sure why he picked 1917. If there was a “reason,” do you know it?

In any case, a friend of mine has traced the 1918 pandemic all the way back to a British encampment in northern France – in 1916.

So we could say that both “Spanish” and “1918” are inaccurate as to the origin – but they remain perfectly accurate as to where and when the explosion was large enough to first be noticed – and acknowledged.


He’s Pences’ boy. He served as his State Commisoner of Health under his Governorship & they presided over HIV epidemic. Adams knows his place, he just thought it was his moment in shine…lol


A kinder, gentler “shoot the messenger” strategy. Although, not much of a strategy - just a whack-a mole panic reaction.


not many white Americans will notice the absence, due to death, of black and hispanic workers…until they are gone and there is no-one to do the work they did…farmers are just now noticing the absence of migrant workers…and it is going to get worse…due to TRUMPfs immigration policy…white people are not going to pick fruits and veggies…or clean hotel rooms or do janitor work…or baby-sit the children of people…

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lol, if the ‘enemy’ is invisible…how do you know where it is???

I have no love for SG Adams (he was Pence’s Health Comish in Indiana during the HIV fiasco), but he has been speaking about race and COVID-19 in the last few weeks. An excerpt from a BET interview

BET.com: Some in the African-American community have concerns about wearing masks outside and being targeted by law enforcement. What’s your response?

Dr. Adams: I hear you. I have to have talks with my two boys about the whole Trayvon Martin situation and that people will look at you and think you’re up to no good because you’re covering your face in some way, shape or form.

It’s something that we’re addressing. It’s something that I constantly talk about. The good news is that now everyone is wearing masks or facial coverings.

I don’t think he addressed it or talked about it constantly, but I knew he was toast when he mentioned race at the MagaVirus Rally (but difficult to fire the only(?) black guy in the WH). Obviously he is a bit blind and naive working for Pence and Trump.


This WH sidles up to the truth, coshes it on the head, and leaves it tied to the railroad tracks.


Time to pull Benzo over from HUD

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It appears to me that there is already a numbness to the statistics. Whereas everyone used to get concerned about a gain of 100 deaths a day, increases of 2000 per day at this point are only lightly discussed. Dumbass crows about how he thinks deaths will only be 50-60k (with his usual wishful thinking) and then moves on to why the press is mean, experts are wrong, he is great, and Democrats want to destroy the economy. It’s kind of like when casualties begin to stack up during a war; the totals just become background noise. Whereas at first people knew the daily totals, I would venture to guess that if people on the street were asked about casualty rates many would really have no idea.


I guess Jerome is learning the hard way about DOWN GRADING his career and reputation:
Working in the Pence administration in Indiana wasn’t enough of a hint?


So in just Four months the total CoV deaths will exceed those in Vietnam War which was 19 years.

Great ad.

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As Prince Humperdinck would say: “I’m swamped!”


How do you figure this?

Got all those people out of shithole countries. They should thank us.


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Jerome Adams, failed to understand that his position as Surgeon General was due to Trump considering him nonthreatening (just like brain-dead former surgeon Ben Carson) , the moment he starts talking about race, all bets are off, does Trump need to remind him he is low IQ person just by the melanin content of his skin?

But again Dr. Adams, you lie dogs, you catch fleas. Nobody put a gun on your head forcing you to play Uncle Tom.

Yeah, poor Jerome tried to take away the WH’s coronavirus “silver lining.” Less whites dying, than those “dirty people.”

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Instead of the “Mendoza Line”, maybe the Pendejo Line?

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