WH Tells Federal Agencies To Cancel Their NYT, WaPo Subscriptions

Yesterday’s news, today!!

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Democracy Dies in Darkness

Will this be America’s fate under Donald Trump and the Rethuglican Party?

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The tough NY Guy turns into the worlds biggest snowflake

Take this Chump


I believe his order includes online subscriptions.

“Not renewing subscriptions across all federal agencies will be a significant cost saving for taxpayers – hundreds of thousands of dollars,” she said in a statement."

Fine. Now have him skip one golf junket and we can fully fund the entire Chicago school system.


In my wildest dreams, I couldn’t have come up with anything as massively petulant and completely self-destructive as “nobody who works for me can read the bad news when they’re at work”. Crazed bunker mentality.

Any authoritarian worth his salt permits just enough opposition media to get the opposition thinkers (there will always be some) in a room together, then pores over their work product religiously to produce effective countermeasures.


He’s upgrading to ‘boiled blood of Latvian infants’ for his spray tan ingredient instead of carotin - that kind of thing costs.

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I’m just waiting for “Mein Trumpf” to be mandatory reading in the indoctrination camps.

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If it’s in the Post, he’ll never even see it! (Yeah, right.)


Too late. :wink:


Except the entire Republican Senate.


Well, not the ones criticizing the Clintons.


NYT and WaPo should just make subscriptions from a .gov email free.

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Except with the inmates running the asylum.

Is that because the Washington Post doesn’t charge for access from .gov and .mil emails or computers or is that because someone has set up a subscription that covers all .gov and .mil emails and computers?

My thoughts exactly. This is some pay off for all the gut churning years we have had to endure. Good times are coming, my friends.


That’s because it’s just so hard for a reasonably normal person to even conceive of such pettiness and pitiful behavior in an adult. It reminds me of something my parents used to do for me when I was very little. I’d fall, run into a chair, trip over something, all the different ways little kids catch minor injuries. My parents would slap the floor, the chair, whatever I tripped over and fuss at the chair or whatever it was, “You don’t hurt her like that!” It gave two year old me a sense of satisfaction that the mean old table had been punished for assaulting me and my parents got me to shut up and stop crying. That’s basically what he’s doing here. He’s attempting to punish these papers because of his own stupidity, in search of the same smug satisfaction used to calm a clumsy toddler.



See here:



Act II: In which Kellyanne Conway reveals the game plan for dealing with the press going forward:



LOL and FTW!!! :slight_smile: