Just fyi, that’s not what he’s said publically (for whatever that’s worth). He did aid in the paper’s strategic pivot after the acquisition in order to help make it a viable business that could stand on own. However, he only bought it because of the importance of the institution.
Both you and I have experienced censorship.
A friend of mine (a dear friend) comes from a land in which going to a grocer to gripe about the government can be a fatal proposition.
And don’t get me started on how rare this statement is elsewhere in the world:
“Look! You got nuthin’. Either book me or turn me loose!”
They’ve had that ever since they put up the paywall…
We already don’t like too much of what he’s done. My neighbor might eed a new hot water tank. Her old one, purchased in 2010, cost $650. The repairman just told her that new energy efficiency guidelines and the rise in metal costs due to the tariffs, a new one will cost $1650!
Holy crap! I was there, and the three of us said at about the same time, “We’ve got to get a new president.”
which would make the term “white-listing” really on-the-nose…
Trump has probably never heard of The Guardian. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of his sycophantic stuff has never heard of it either.
JFK canceled a newspaper subscription or two himself.
Including one of the Whitney papers, I think.
Whitney, a Republican, had been Eisenhower’s Ambassador to the Court of St. James.
it this because the government pays the Post for a “government wide” subscription, or is it thanks to the generosity of the Post?
I’m reminded of the time a school district in (IIRC) Virginia banned one of Kurt Vonnegut’s books. The resulting media coverage created so much interest that the book, which had been out-of-print, became so in-demand that the publisher reprinted it not once, but twice.
Ever the wit, and thankful for the unexpected uptick in sales, Vonnegut wrote a “Thank you” letter to the district superintendent and alerted him to his upcoming soon-to-be-released novel, begging him to pre-ban it, too. “I could use the money,” he wrote.
Fun Fact: In 2011, the Republic, Missouri (pronounce misery) high school board voted to ban Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five from its curriculum and library following a Missouri professor’s complaints about its content.
In a column for the local paper, Wesley Scroggins wrote that Slaughterhouse-Five “contains so much profane language, it would make a sailor blush with shame. The ‘f word’ is plastered on almost every other page. The content ranges from naked men and women in cages together so that others can watch them having sex to God telling people that they better not mess with his loser, bum of a son, named Jesus Christ.”
In response, the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library announced that students could simply drop them an email and it would mail them a free copy of the book.
Another successful ban and another win for free speech. Go Tigers!
The Library of Congress had better double their fire insurance coverage.
Book burning is likely next on the manifesto…
Let me get this straight - the New York Times and the Washington Post print hard copies of their publications onto paper which is delivered to offices and homes? Wow.
By the way, it is the LACK OF FEAR in the postings for this story here which cement further my overall impression that Trumpism is unsustainable in the United States.
My Washington Post on line subscription pre Bezos when I signed up in 2004 was free for government employees who had a .gov. account. Once he purchased it from the Grahams it went to $9.95 a month.
Already do.
I extremely doubt that JFK kept a book of Hitler’s speeches by his bedside.
So, yeah, we can look forward to seriously ill children being refused care so they can die and stop draining our resources.
So it’s probably not alarmist to wonder when the book banning starts.
Not to mention that there is a difference between getting mad at the media because it is lying and getting mad at the media because it is telling the truth.
Next up, official hall monitors taking note of people who might bring their personal copies onto Federal Property.
Hmm … I’m wonder how many personalized golf tees the money “saved” by canceling these subscriptions will buy?
It’ll never cease to amaze me that these News organizations cater to a Right Wing that has nothing but contempt for them. Just like folks who bend over for Trump when he doesn’t care one wit for them.
No problem. No one reads the paper version anymore.