Because they are so intelligent and capable. Who wouldn’t trust those guys to run their businesses?
The WSJ lately has been spanking him like he’s paying for it by the whack. Better kill that one too.
Trump won’t like this headline in WaPo. heehee!
Under New Jersey law, anyone who has one liquor license revoked must also give up all their other liquor licenses for two years. Trump has two other New Jersey golf clubs, including the one in Bedminster, N.J., that he uses as a summer White House.
Ok, let me rephrase my rhetorical question from a different angle. Do you think Bezos bought WaPo because it’s an amazing investment? Or do you think he bought it as more of a public service to stabilize a critical institution.
I think there’s an argument to be made that he valued the content. However, it’s really hard for me to imagine that he had any expectation of making a boat load of money owning the wapo.
Just as a point of clarification, I’m a 2210 series IT Specialist for an agency that falls under DOI.
Well, when is he going to get the idea to cancel and ban all subscriptions and then publish a list of approved outlets. It would be more efficient. But don’t tell him that.
It is kind of funny ain’t it. Right now he should be getting the front end reporting on his predicaments so he knows how to pivot and counter that reporting. Instead he is closing off the doors to do that. Soon, the echo chamber will be incredibly loud and completely irrelevant.
Now if that doesn’t typify a hard core narcissist…
Let it happen. He is cutting his throat. Betting he has told his staff that he doesn’t want to hear a word from the fake news. So they are going to see it outside of the office channels and stew, stew, stew.
Damn. This is getting good.
Actually, I don’t think it’s at all meant to distract. This is a temper tantrum meant to strike fear in the hearts of other media. Only it doesn’t. Like just about everything else he does, he’s simply lashing out at those he perceives as being mean to him. It’s as simple as that. And once again, he’s hurting his own administration by doing so. He’s hindering his comms department from having the ability to respond quickly because now they’ll have to pretend they don’t have WaPo and NYT apps on their phones. They’ll have to find new and clever ways to alert him to bad news coming their way. It’s a massive headache for them that he created because he’s a whiny little bitch slapping at the wind hoping to hurt somebody for hurting him.
I’d go for a mix of things. For him personally, it was pocket change.
Business-wise, he’s all about pushing content, feeding that loop with his Kindles. And keeping alive the WaPo is one way to keep content coming (beyond the paper, all those reporters and whatnot keep writing books for him to sell)…
Another attack on the free press by tRump.
I am concerned about this as gateway to worse.
It may be a distractor. Or it may actually lead to something Americans will not like.
Shouldn’t he be ordering all federal agencies to block the IP addresses from any news sites except Fox and OAN? Seems that would be more effective. Subscriptions ain’t what they used to be.
I didn’t think I’d see anybody argue that Bezos doesn’t care about money.
I challenge you to find anybody in the news business who doesn’t care about money. The entire industry is profit-driven these days.
Freaking cool! Hah!
They can still get The Guardian, right?
It’s going to be laughed out of town. Agencies Monitor the news for relevant stories they need to respond to-- think like those VA horror stories that come out every now and again.
If he orders VA not to read the WaPo, they won’t be prepared to respond when Congress starts screaming about them killing veterans again.
I guess all the employees affected will have to subscribe themselves.
Oh yeah, that’ll get everyone in line right quick President Dumbass
The suggestion was that Bezos wouldn’t care about the relatively small amount of money involved here.
Good until 20 January 2021…