WH Sounds Alarm After McCarthy Tries To Buy Off Far-Right With Soc Security-Slashing Commission

The White House put out a memo Tuesday evening warning that Republicans are once again coming after Social Security and Medicare, despite members loud pledges not to during President Biden’s State Of The Union speech this year.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1459768
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Kevin McCarthy, Lickspittle-in-Chief!


Better than leading off with cute cat pix, but that’s just me.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Just days after announcing his candidacy for President, Mike Pence has picked up the coveted endorsement of the National Association of Ass-Kissers.

The N.A.A., a trade organization representing more than a hundred thousand of the nation’s leading toadies, minions, and lickspittles, heaped praise on the former Vice-President, calling him an “awe-inspiring tower of unctuousness.”

“During his four years as Vice-President, Mike Pence brought flattery and obsequiousness to new heights,” the N.A.A. statement read. “We bow down to his utter magnificence.”

Accepting the endorsement, a jubilant Pence praised the organization of abject flunkies, calling the N.A.A. “without question the finest collection of humans this planet has ever known.”

But the endorsement drew a sour response from Chris Christie, who had hoped to receive the ass-kissers’ nod. “I thought I sucked up to Donald Trump as much as anybody did,” Christie said. “Maybe I should have sucked harder.”


Medicaid would be so much cheaper if the GOP wasn’t in lock step with big pharma.


If its a day ending in “day” the GQP wants to gut SS and Medicare. And they will fail. Again. Dumbasses


Dark Brandon rides again. This is how you start peeling older folks away from the GOP.


Someone please make a commercial playing the GOP’s response at the SOU and a reading of the charge of the newest group aimed at reducing Social Security and Medicate.
Add text such as:
Liars and hypocrites. Months after publicly promising not to reduce Social Security and Medicare. Republicans are studying how to do exactly that. So much for integrity. So much for serving the public. Too much for serving the wealthiest one percent. Shame.


A man cannot serve two masters, one wealthy and one middle class, but batshit crazy.

McCarthy’s about-face last week is reflective of Republicans’ years-long split personality on the issue, supporting the popular programs publicly only to later advocate for gutting them under the guise of “reform.”


This could be the epitaph on the grave marker of any GOP politician over the last eight years or so.


What is the end game? What is the America that Republicans envision when there is no Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Department of Education, HHS, EPA, FBI, Healthcare only for wealthy, no taxation, no birth control, no CDC, no science, no public schools, everyone armed with AR-15s …

Just once I would like a Republican to describe what their ultimate vision for America would look like. Is it mindless anti-everything or do they really have a plan and a final goal? I am not being snarky. It is an honest question.

I think we need a new Inconvenient Truth film about Republican Rule if we don’t pay enough attention.




The FC is 40/182 (21.97%) of the House Repugnants


Don’t know why anyone is surprised. This is how they operate. They continue to show us who they are and for some reason people are aghast, surprised, amazed, confused?! It’s more of the same to deflect from the fact that they are not capable or willing to actually do the work of legislating for the good of the entire country. And look, even intelligent people claim to want to DO the right thing but would still vote for the fi if he’s on the ballot. WE can’t fix stupid!!! I’ve come to accept that stupid has nothing to do with intelligence but I’ll admit that some of their actions and words still leave me surprised, amazed at their stupidity. All of you in the northeastern part of the country take care. Daughter lives in upper NY and it doesn’t look good.


I’m thinking or Afghanistan where women are treated worse, if that’s possible.


The MSM has the answer, of course…but kowtowing to the Krazies w/o questions and followup questions generate $$$$$$$$ and mouse clicks


It’s time for Dark Brandon to come out SWINGING, start naming names and remind the somnambulant voters that re-electing him is the ONLY THING preventing the end of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, because IT IS!

Maybe the feckless “Justice Democrats” might actually vote for progress instead of finding reasons to vote like Matt Gaetz and hammer this home to their supporters and do something to help Biden for a bloody change.

If screamed loud and often enough this is the only campaign issue Dems need to crush Trump et al in 2024! GET ON IT!


The end game would appear to be “we’re the ones in power and you have to live according to our beliefs”. I’m sure a psychologist could explain the need for ultimate power and authority over someone else’s life that seems to be at the core of these people. Human nature! Nothing changes. Ego. The ID. Their ultimate vision for America is similar to the middle or dark ages of history but with them the ones holding the whip.




House Republicans are going to keep punching themselves in the face until the White House agrees to cut Social Security and Medicare. I hope that this is a headline issue for Republicans going into 2024!


Why not try governing for a change? Pick some low-hanging fruit, like gun control.