Apparently the goobers are not interested in the votes of those who depend on Social Security and medicare. It may in the end bite them in a body part far more sensitive than their ass. When old farts learn that the republicans want to kill Social Security and Medicare which we paid into all our working lives there will be a revolt. It is no different than stealing the money we paid into Social Security and Medicare so that we could have a decent retirement.
It is stealing and stealing is still, as I understand it…illegal.
Too sensible and there’s no money to be made in the short term.
How about voting rights?
[Republican radicals] successfully blocked two Republican leadership-lauded bills that would protect gas stoves from the Biden deep state. [emp. added]
Here, the crazy right wing “shows 'em” up is down.
What’s Kris Krispy Kreme’s take on slashing Social Security? He may wipe out all the other Republican candidates with his false bravado and become the new GOP nominee. Of course he’ll attack Biden’s age even though he has a excellent chance of dropping dead from a heart attack, but mentioning someone’s weight is taboo in politics.
TV ad… "The GOP intends to blatantly steal your money and they expect you will vote for them like good boys and girls because stealing the money you worked for and were promised is the “right thing to do”
Hahahaha! Voting rights. Sure.
I was BORN with the right to work until I die when Ronald Reagan was just among California’s shittiest governors. I didn’t and don’t need Ronnie, H, W, Rump, Ryan, McQaarthy, Waste-of-Harvard DeSantis, Lying Sack of Santos, Moscow Mitch or any other worse-than-useless, rightist POS to give that right to me.
So far the voting rights moves the GOP has made will ensure that there will be fewer folk voting for republicans.
Yeah, that’s jim today. What’ll you be saying tomorrow?
Just kidding! I like your chosen avatar, but I’ve been dying to say that.
Okay, something we can all agree on: rescind the Trump tax cuts for all households making at least $500,000 a year.
They can’t tell you that because it would end their party. They have to be sneaky so the Stupids won’t figure it out.
I live in northwestern Vermont. It’s been hazy the last few days, but no smoky smell. Today it is raining, so a lot of the smoke gets washed out of the air. A few weeks ago, we were getting smoke from British Columbia (it went north to the Arctic, then swooped down to New England). Last week the smoke was from Nova Scotia; this week it’s from Quebec.
Just try to keep me from working : - )
Their base needs to wake up. It’s many of them that would be negatively effected by cuts.
Ok, I know I’m dreaming.
Social Security, of course, is not part of the federal budget, despite being part of the government’s mandatory spending.
This is an excellent point. What is their end game? Lucy needs to do some explaining. What is their favorite country outside the U.S.? What’s their 5 year plan, legislatively? My imagination is running wild. Loved your post.
Thank you.
Diversion only …what they want is to steal yer gunz after they steal yer stove as well as yer medicare and Social Security. Think I’m foolin’ do ya? Well just keep watchin’ this space (TPM I mean)