The White House has told federal agencies to plan for President Donald Trump’s February budget proposal for fiscal year 2022, according to the Washington Post, despite the fact that he won’t be in office by then.
When it comes right down to it, if it is necessary, then as his first act upon taking office in January 2021, President Joseph R. Biden will order the Secret Service and US Marshals to evict citizen trespasser Trump from the White House. And they will make it so.
“We’re all supposed to pretend this is normal, and do all this work, while we know we’re just going to have to throw it away,” the official said.
So the way to deal with this is to log all of the hours spent doing the work that will be tossed, have someone personal figure out the total of time spent, add on the cost of the people doing the work, and then bill the Trump 2020 campaign. If I were really thorough I would then deduct some of this cost against the appropriate Trump appointed people’s last paycheck.
Now who is it that is looking after the bottom line, and find where the fraud is?
At some point, they will have to face the reality, because it starts breaking the law to ignore the transition. They might be able to get away with this until the electors vote, but at that point it will be the end of it. Republicans are actively working to undo the will of the people and overturn an election…that just cannot be stated often enough. And, they need to pay for doing it, simply because there’s no other way to make sure that our elections don’t become political footballs that can be ignored if someone doesn’t like the results.
The system still appears to be working, so this is just nonsense, but it bears close watching to see if Republicans manage to subvert things enough to pull off their attempted coup.